

Rheumatology (memo from NEJM knowledge plus and MKSAP)

・DDx of patient with rheumatoid arthritis on methotrexate and etanercept who develop fever, arthralgia, pleuritic chest pain, nonblanching purpuric rash, pancytopenia, proteinuria

drug-induced lupus erythematosus (TNF alfa inhibitor)


・management of patient with h/o gout who develop acute knee arthritis, joint fluid shows WBC 110,000, positive for crystal, gram stain negative

empiric ABX for possible concomitant infection until Cx come back negative if WBC in joint fluid > 50,000


・Tx for chronic reactive arthritis

sulfasalazine, usually self-limited, 25% develep chronic persistent arthritis


・initial Tx for gout attack prophylaxis

urate-lowering agent (allopurinol) + colchicine


・first-line treatment of uncomplicated dermatomyositis

high-dose corticosteroid


・diagnosis of ankylosing spondylitis

MRI of sacroiliac joint


・medical Tx for patient with fibromyalgia not tolerate pregabalin

serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor (duloxetine, milnacipran)


・shoulder pain, large noninflammatory joint effusion, subsequent to trauma, periarticular  diffuse calcification 

basic calcium phosphate diposition disease (Milwaukee shoulder)


・diagnostic test for patient with uveitis, erythema nodosum, oligoarthritis

CXR to evaluate hilar lymphadenopathy, sarcoidosis, known as Lofgren syndrome (diagnosis without tissue biopsy)


・Tx for musculoskeletal feature of systemic sclerosis



・heliotrope and Gottron's papules with normal CPK

amyopathic dermatomyositis


・patient with rheumatoid arthritis refractory to methotorexate

add TNF alfa inhibitor


・rheumatoid arthritis

diagnosed with > 10 synovitis more than 6 weeks even if RF/anti-CCP Ab/ESR/CRP all negative (20% RA negative with RF and anti-CCP Ab)


・erosive hand osteoarthritis

involve proximal and distal interphalangeal joints that are associated with erythema, swelling, and severe pain, ESR mildly elevated


・management of active SLE disease with proteinuria

kidney biopsy, followed by aggresive Tx


・osteoarthritis-like arthritis in atypical joints

calcium pyrophosphate arthropathy (calcium diposition)


・osteoarthritis-like arthritis in metacarpophalangeal joints, wrist, hip



・Tx for rheumatoid arthritis during pregnancy

discontinue DMARDs (methotrexate), 75% spontaneous remission, if persistent -> prednisone, hydroxychloroquine, sulfasalazine


・diagnosis of patient with 3 months h/o rash worsened by sun exposure and fatigue, no other symptoms, ANA negative, anti-Ro/SSA Ab positive

subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus


・pain management of osteoarthritis refractory to medications and physical therapy

try tramadol


・mangement of patient with acute gout polyarthritis with CKD

prednisone 0.5mg/kg of ideal body weight


・suspected giant cell arteritis with negative temporal artery biopsy

contralateral temporal artery biopsy


・anti-U1-ribonucleoprotein (RNP) antibody

mixed connective tissue disease


・cutaneous sclerosis that involves only skin without other systematic symptoms



・adverse effect of tocilizumab for RA



・diagnostic test for patient with pulmonary nodular infiltrate, boggy nasal turbinate, positive p-ANCA

lung nodule biopsy, instead of nasal sinus mucosa biopsy, which infrequently yield sufficient tissue to evaluate


・follow-up management of stable patient with rheumatoid arthritis diagnosed 1 year ago when x-ray showed early sign of erosion 

repeat hand and wrist x-ray


・evaluation of patient with thickened ears, saddle nose deformity, polyarthritis

pulmonary function test to evaluate large upper airway involvement in suspected relapsing polychondritis


 ・cutaneous palpable papura, low complement, Sjogren syndrome

Type 1 cryoglobuminemic vasculitis 


・neck and low back pain with limited mobility throughout spine in obese male h/o DM

diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis


・elbow pain due to repetitive movement

lateral epicondylitis


・Tx for urticarial vasculitis



・lateral hip pain, tenderness to palpation on bursa

trochanteric bursitis


・lateral hip pain, tenderness to palpation along the band down to knee, young athlete

iliotibial band syndrome


・woody induration in extremities, no Raynaud phenomenon

eosinophilic fasciitis (scleroderma spectrum disoder, spare fingers, even normal pheripheral eosinophil count)


・diagnostic test for patient with DM, who present with 5 month h/o knee pain, frequently scraping knee in the soil while working, warm and swollen knee, T 38.0, WBC 11000, joint aspiration: WBC 6500, negative crystal and gram stain, negative bacterial Cx, RF, ANA, Lyme titer, TB skin test

synovial biopsy (fungal arthritis: Sporothrix schenckii)


 ・diagnosis of patient with thrombocytopenia, livedo reticularis, valvular disease, microangiopathic kidney insufficiency, pregnancy loss

antiphospholipid syndrome

Hematology and Oncology (memo from NEJM knowledge plus and MKSAP)

・target platelet count in the setting of intracranial hemorrhage

100,000,  transfusion as needed


・management of superior vena cava syndrome secondary to small cell lung cancer



・diagnosis of polycythemia vera

elevated Hb, JAK2 mutation, no secondary cause of erythrocytosis


・diagnosis of patient without bleeding history who has normal PT and elevated aPTT failing to fully correct on mixing study

acquired hemophilia (acquired antibody to factor VIII)


・Tx for acquired homophilia (acquired factor VIII inhibitor)

recombinant activated factor VIIa (bypass the need for factor VIII)



A: factor VIII deficiency, B: factor IX deficiency

normal PT, elevated aPTT, fully corrected by mixing study


・breast cancer screening for 29 yo female with PMH of lymphoma status post mantle radiation

mammography and MRI yearly 


・Tx indication for primary myelofibrosis

high risk feature:  > 65 yo, fever, night sweat, weight loss > 10%,  Hb < 10, WBC > 25000, circulating blast > 1%


・factor V Leiden

itself is not indicated for life-long anticoagulation (risk: 5-fold for initial VTE, 1.5-fold for recurrent VTE)


・elevation in both homocysteine and methylmalonic acid

vit B12 deficiency (only homocysteine elevated in folate deficiency)


・diagnosis of symptomatic multiple myeloma

require organ damage (kidney dysfunction, hypercalcemia, anemia or bone disease)-> Tx

asymptomatic MM -> observation 


・Dx of recurrent bacterial infection with vitiligo and pernicious anemia

common variable immunodeficiency 


・above what percent of clonal plasma cell on bone marrow biopsy to diagnose multiple myeloma



・follow-up patient with stage IIIC ovarian cancer status post chemotherapy

CA125 every 4 months


・management of non-small cell lung cancer with pleural effesion 

chemotherapy (no radiation)


・Tx for persistent hypoxia in acute chest syndrome due to sickle cell disease



 ・symptoms of sickle cell trait

hematuria due to renal papillary necrosis

(chest pain, SOB, joint pain: not increase frequency in sickle cell trait)


・pregnant female with h/o idiopathic venous thromboembolism

require antepartum and postpartum heparin prophylaxis


・mild anemia, microcytosis, target cell, normal hemoglobin electrophoresis

alfa thalassemia trait


・Tx for acute lymphoblastic leukemia

induction chemotherapy


・gestational thrombocytopenia

benign clinical course, usually no intervention


・Tx for secondary iron overload

iron chelation (deferasirox)


・hemolytic episode after using trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole

glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency 


・diagnosis of paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria

flow cytometric analysis for CD55 and CD59


・cause of pure red cell aplasia

large granular lymphocytosis, parvo B19, thymoma, myelodyplasia


・acute kidney injury in multiple myeloma

vulnerable to NSAIDs and intravenous contrast dye


・hydroxyurea for sickle cell anemia

cause macrocytosis


・rapid reversal of warfarin

vitamin K iv and prothrombin complex concentrate


・incidentally found several pulmonary nodules 2-4 mm with smoking history

follow up CT in 12 months (< 4mm with risk factor -> f/u 12mo)


・Gleason score in prostate cancer

6: lowest score of cancer,  8-10: poorly differentiated


・breast cancer Tx

tamoxifen to hormone receptor positive, increase risk of VTE -> ovarian ablation if h/o VTE

aromatase inhibitor to hormone receptor positive cancer in postmenopausal pt

trastuzumab to HER2 positive


・management of lobular carcinoma in situ in premenopausal female after excisional biopsy

tamoxifen (LCIS nealy always estrogen receptor positive)


・adverse effect of bevacizumab

HTN, bleeding, thrombose, intestinal perforation


・multiple lymphadenopathy, splenomegaly, bone marrow show cyclin D1 and t(11:14) translocation

Mantle cell lymphoma


・management of cancer of unknown primary site with axillay lymphadenopathy, negative mammography and MRI

mastectomy with axillary lymph dissection (treat as stage II breast cacner)


 ・management of prostate cancer with Gleason score of 8 and PSA of 22

androgen deprivation therapy and radiation (for high risk group: Gleason: 8-10, PSA > 20, sugery not indicated)


・management of asymptomatic well-differentiated metastatic carcinoid tumor

observation, f/u CT in 3-4 months


・empiric Tx for cancer of unknown primary site, retroperitoneal node Bx reveal pooly differentiated carcinoma in young man

cisplatin-based chemotherapy 


・next step for incidentally found kidney mass by non-contrast CT

ultrasound to evaluate whether the mass is cyst or solid


・initial mangement of SVC syndrome

mediastinoscopy and biopsy (Tx differ based on histology)


・management of well-differentiated invasive ductal cancer, mass: 2cm, no palpable lymphadenopathy

lumpectomy, sentinel lymph node biopsy, radiation


・Tx of anal cancer

radiation Tx with chemotherapy for stage I,II,III (potentially cured without surgery)


・testicular mass with elevated beta-hCG and AFP

nonseminoma germ cell tumor

(elevated AFP rule out seminoma, beta-hCG elevated in both seminoma and nonseminoma)


・management of recurrent diffuse large B-cell lymphoma

high-dose chemotherapy and autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation


 ・management of hot flush secondary to tamoxifen Tx for breast cancer patient

venlafaxine (SNRI)


・management for patient who present with seizure secondary to isolated brain metastasis from melanoma

surgical resection for symptomatic relief


 ・next step following surgery for high-risk, early stage bladder cancer

intravesicular BCG (bacillus Callmette-Guerin) immunotherapy


・management of tumor lysis syndrome

aggressive hydartion and diuresis, (hemodialysis), rasburicase, allopurinol


・management of oligometastatic colorectal cancer isolated to liver

partial hepatectomy


・management of bone metastasis likely from recurrent breast cancer

bone biopsy (assess hormone receptor and others to guide Tx)


・postoperative surveillance colorectal cancer

physical exam, CEA every 3-6 months, colonoscopy 1 year after, then every 3-5 years, chest/abdomen/pelvic CT annually for 3 years


・stage I rectal cancer (cancer penetrate into, but not fully through rectal wall with no lymph node metastases)

surgery (no chemotherapy after surgery)


Infectious disease (memo from NEJM knowledge plus and MKSAP)

・ABX for extensively drug-resistant pseudomonal infection (resistant to fluoroquinolone, carbapenem, aminoglycoside)

intravenous colistin (polymyxin E)


・first recurrance of mild to moderate C.difficile colitis

metronidazole for 14 days


・Tx for tuberculous pericarditis

4-drug antituberculous Tx + prednisone


・positive result of PPD

> 15mm: normal populatoin,  > 10mm: IV drug abuse, etc,  > 5mm: HIV, etc


・flu-like symptoms, pulmonary symptms, pancytopenia, in Ohio



・GNR bacteremia associated with tunneled central venous catheter 

removal of catheter and 7-14 days of ABX


・management of suspected brain abscess (> 2.5cm in imaging study)

CT-guided aspiration


・beta-lactam ABX covering MRSA



・Dx of patient with acute symmetric polyarthritis and faint maculopapular rash on chest and extremities associated with recent flu-like symptom

parvovirus B19 (classic slapped cheek appearance usually not occur in adults)


・self-limited shigellosis confirmed by microbiologic diagnosis

still require 3 day of ciprofloxacin


・fever, chills, asymmetric flaccid paralysis

West Nile virus myeltiis


・diarrhea associated with uncooked poultry

campylobacter jejuni 


・coinfection with Lyme disease, causing hemolysis 

 Babesia microti


・management of mild histoplasmosis

observation without ABX


・cough, fever, erythema nodosum in Arizona



・Dx and Tx for broad-based budding yeast from hyperkaratonic skin lesion

blastomycosis /  itraconazole


・Tx for clinically stable patient with bacteremic pneumococcal pneumonia susceptible to penicillin 

7 days course of oral amoxicillin


・recurrent cystitis treated with trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole 5 months ago



・flu-like symptoms, widened mediastinum in patient exposed to crop dusting

bacillus anthracis


・infection after transplantation

CMV infection during middle period (the first few months)


・first choice for immunocompromised patients with invasive pulmonary aspergillosis



・invasive group A β hemolytic streptococcal (streptococcus pyogenes) infection (necrotizing fasciitis, toxic shock syndrome)

require contact precaution (not only standard precaution)


・ABX for cat-scratch fever



・choice of statin for HIV patients on ART

no simvastatin 


・Tx for syphilis

primary / secondary / early latent: IM benzathin penicillin G x 1

tertiary / late latent: IM benzathin penicillin G x 3 weekly

neurosyphilis: IV aquaous crystalline penicillin G x 10 days


・fever, productive cough, gram negative bipolar-staining bacilli, in New mexico

Yersinia pestis (Plague)


・Sx of typhoid fever (Salmonella enterica)

constipation followed by diarrhea, salmon-colored rash, relative bradycardia, splenomegaly, hyponatremia


・recurrent erysipelas rash and fever



・shaving of hair prior to surgery 

risk factor for surgical site infection (not protective factor)

Neurology (memo from NEJM knowledge plus and MKSAP)

・diagnostic test for patient with 1 week constant headache, worse in the morning, no focal sign, with bilateral papilledema, valsalva maneuver increase pain, using tobacco and oral contraceptive, normal brain MRI without contrast

MR venography for possible dural sinus venous thrombosis

(Dx of pseudotumor cerebri requires exclusion of dural sinus venous thrombosis)


・the best physical exam to predict the risk of future falls

pull test


・Tx for trigeminal neuralgia



・sign more suggestive of atypical parkinson syndrome than parkinson disease

poor response to high-dose levodopa


・admission indication for TIA

ABCD2 score 3 or greater within 72 hours of Sx onset

(> 60 yo: 1, BP > 140/90: 1, hemiparesis: 2, duration > 60 min: 2, DM: 1)


・tension-type headache

no proved benefit from muscle relaxant, benzodiazepine, or physical therapy 


・cause of decreased position and vibratory sensation, macrocytic anemia

copper deficiency and Vit B12 deficiency


・verapamil as migraine prevention

evidence is quite limited (effective for preventing cluster headache)


・when DVT prophylaxis should be initiated for patient with acute intracranial hemorrhage resulting in paralysis

by hospital day 4 if stable


・the most common neurologic presentation of Wilson disease



・Tx for focal dystonia of neck / spasmodic torticollis

botulinum toxin injection


・diabetic amyotrophy

lumbar polyradiculopathy affecting primarily muscles of thigh that classically presents with severe pain at onset followed by weakness and numbness over weeks to months,

occur even in undiagnosed diabetes


・Tx for multiple sclerosis-related fatigue

amantadine, modafinil


・ring-enhancing brain lesion with central necrosis and hemorrhage

glioblastoma multiforme


・confirmatory test for patient with physical exam consistent with brain death

apnea test


・management of acute intracranial hemorrhage in patient taking aspirin

benefit of platelet transfusion remains unknown -> not indicated


・two neurologic conditions which produce rapid deterioration in cognition and behavior in the absence of trauma, infection, fever, intoxication or other systemic signs

Creutzfeldt Jakob disease and paraneoplastic syndrome


・anti-epileptic medication for females actively pursing pregnancy

carbamazepine (lamotorigine, levetiracetam, oxcarbazepine)


・preferred anti-epileptic medication for asian patient with HLA-B1502

levetiracetam (others increase the risk of Stevens-Johnson syndrome)


・diagnostic test for patient with muscle weakness improving with exercise, orthostatic hypotension

nerve conduciton study for suspected Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome


・diagnostic test for postpartum female with recurrent thunderclap headache with normal non-contrast head CT

CT angiography / MR angiography for cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome


・Dx of young patient with fever, headache, multifocal signs, lymphocytic pleocytosis in CSF, multifocal areas of demyelination in MRI

acute disseminated encephalomyelitis


・dementia, visual hallucination and parkinsonism

dementia with Lewy bodies


・dementia, parkinsonism, impairment of vertical eye movement, square wave jerks

progressive supranuclear palsy


・Tx for patient with recurrent headache with ipsilateral autonomic feature (tearing, rhinorrhea, ptosis, conjunctival injection)

indomethacin for chronic paroxysmal hemicrania


・Capgras syndrome

delusional misidentification syndrome, loss of emotional connnection to meaningful person or place


・definition of apraxia

inability to perform previously learned skilled motor tasks despite intact motor and sensory systems


・indication of Tx for tic disorder

only when impairing social, academic or occupational function


・management of cryptogenic embolic stroke with patent foramen ovale

no intervention (procedure of closure didn't reduce the risk of recurrent stroke)


・convulsive seizure, provoked by alcohol intake, worse in the morning

juvenile myoclonic epilepsy


・Tx for multiple sclerosis-related spasticity

tizanidine (centrally acting alfa-2 adrenergic agonist), baclofen, cyclobenzaprine


・adverse effect of natalizumab for multiple sclerosis

nervous system infection with JC virus resulting in progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy


・management of compulsive behavior in patient with parkinson disease 

reduction of dopaminergic medication

Endocrinology and metabolism (memo from NEJM Knowledge plus and MKSAP)

・Tx for acute episode of diabetic neuropathy

glucose control, low-dose tricycle antidepressant (desipramine), capsaicin cream


・mechanism of hypercalcemia due to disseminated tuberculosis

macrophages in tuberculous granuloma activate vitamin D


・diagnosis of diabetes by HbA1c

> 6.5% in separate occasion 


・outcome of laser photocoagulation for diabetic retionpathy

diminished peripheral and night vision with retention of central vision


・evaluation of secondary amenorrhea with normal labs work-up

progesterone challenge test (evaluate whether estrogen is low or normal)


・management of bilateral adrenal hyperplasia

conservative management with spironolactone


・Tx for myxedema coma

thyroid hormone and stress-dose glucocorticoid until excluding concurrent adrenal insufficiency


・maturity-onset diabetes of the young

diagnosed in adolescence, deteriorate slowly, strong family history


・monophilament test for diabetic neuropathy

plantar surface of distal hallux and 1st, 3rd, 5th metatarsal head of each foot


・Tx of Graves disease ophthalmopathy in the setting of intolerance to anti-thyroid Tx

trial of prednisone, thyroidectomy


・indication of parathyroidectomy for primary hyperparathyroidism

symptomatic hypercalcemia (nephrolithiasis, arrhythmia), or regardless of Sx with GFR<60, or T score <-2.5, or fragility fracture, or < 50 yo


・gynecomastia in male

imbalance in testosterone-to-estrogen ratio -> check serum levels


・euthyroid sick syndrome

TSH no more than 10


・hormone deficiency after traumatic brain injury



・Tx for large papirally thryoid cancer (> 4cm)

surgery followed by radioactive iodine therapy 


・sudden discontinuation of megestrol for anorexia

cause adrenal insufficiency due to its glucocorticoid activity 


・indication of surgery for primary hyperparathyroidism

Ca  > 1mg/dl + upper limit, GFR < 60, osteoporosis, fracture


・next management for patient with Sx of thyrotoxicosis, significantly elevated T3, TSH of 1.5

pituitary MRI to evalute TSH-secreting pituitary tumor (TSH usually not detectable in primary thyroid disorder)


・next step for patient with persistently elevated ALP (bone isoform), bone scan showing uptake in multiple bones

plain radiograph of bones to diagnose Paget disease (osteitis deformans)


・elevated testosterone in female

from ovary or adrenal gland

adrenal gland produce dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS) 


・Tx for macroprolactinoma

first line: dopamine agonist

surgery only when failure of medical management or visual deterioration


・Somogyi phenomenon

(hypoglycemia during night leads to rebound hyperglycemia in the morning)

this theoretical concept has been disproven as a cause of fasting hyperglycemia


・Dawn phenomenon

elevation in glucose during the morning (4AM-8AM) result from physiolosic release of cortisol and GH


・adverse effect of chronic opioid use

central hypogonadism -> low libido, erectile dysfunction 


・central adrenocorticotropic hormone deficiency during pregnancy

lymphocytic hypophysitis (rare autoimmune disorder)


・benign familial hypocalciuric hypercalcemia

high-normal PTH level and family history 


・above what of random cortisol level make diagnosis of adrenal insufficiency unlikely in critically ill patients



・evaluation of male hypogonadism

measure of morning total testosterone level (not free testosterone)


・Tx for hirsutism from polycystic ovary syndrome

oral contraceptive which decrease testosterone production by ovary


・management of abdominal pain in the setting of DKA (general tenderness, leukocytosis, AMY 1000)

serial abdominal exam


・suggestive finding of malignant adrenal incidentaloma

> 4cm,  attenuation > 20


・management of amiodarone-induced thyrotoxicosis

prednisone and beta blocker



鎮静・鎮痛 (ICU)


Mild pain (pain score 1-3)

- Fentanyl 25mcg IV q2h prn

- Hydromorphone 0.25mg IV q4h prn

- Morphine 2mg IV q2h prn

- Ketorolac 15mg IV q6h prn


Moderate pain (pain score 4-6)

- Fentanyl 50mcg IV q2h prn

- Hydromorphone 0.5mg IV q4h prn

- Morphine 4mg IV q2h prn

- Ketorolac 15mg IV q6h sch 


Severe pain (pain score 7-10)

- Fentanyl 75mcg IV q2h prn

- Hydromorphone 1mg IV q4h prn

- Morphine 6mg IV q2h prn


[Continuous infusion for analgesia]

Fentanyl 2500mcg/NS 200ml

Start at 25 mcg/hr; titrate by 10 mcg/hr q5 min to PAIN Score 3/10; or to GOAL RASS Score 0 to -1; to a maximum of 200 mcg/hr

(Adjust in opioid tolerant patients. No max when used for comfort measures)


Morphine 100mg/NS 90ml

Start at 1 mg/hr; titrate by 1mg/hr q5min to PAIN Score 3/10; or to GOAL RASS Score 0 to -1; to a maximum of 20 mg/hr.

(Adjust in opioid tolerant patients. No max when used for comfort measures)


Hydromorphone 50mg/NS 50ml

Start at 0.2 mg/hr; titrate by 0.2 mg/hr q30 min to Pain Score 3/10

or GOAL RASS Score 0 to -1; to a maximum of 2 mg/hr

(No max when used for comfort measures)




Propofol 1000mg/100ml

Start at 5 mcg/kg/min; titrate by 5 mcg/kg/min q 10 min

to GOAL RASS Score 0 to -1; to a maximum of 70 mcg/kg/min


Dexmedetomidine 200mcg/NS 50ml

Loading dose of 1 mcg/kg over 10 min

THEN Start at 0.2 mcg/kg/hr; titrate by 0.1 mcg/kg/hr q30 min to GOAL RASS Score 0 to -1; to a maximum 1.4 mcg/kg/hr as tolerated.


Midazolam 100mg/NS 80ml

Start at 1 mg/hr titrate by 1 mg/hr q5 min to GOAL RASS Score 0 to -1; to a maximum of 10 mg/hr


[Neuromuscular blocker]

Cisatracurium 200mg/NS 200ml

Loading dose 0.15 mg/kg = [        ]mg

Start at 3 mcg/kg/min; titrate by 0.5 mcg/kg/min q 20 min

to a maximum of 10 mcg/kg/min to a train of four (TOF) 

of at least 1-2/4 to maintain ventilator synchrony




- Quetiapine 25mg PO q8h sch

- Haloperidol lactate 2mg IV q8h sch

(HOLD if QTC greater than 25% increase from baseline QTC or absolute corrected QT of 0.48)

- Dexmedetomidine iv (the same protocol above)

(dexmedetomidine is the sedation medication of choice in hemodynamically stable patient with significant delirium)






amiodarone 150mg in 100ml D5W at 618ml/hr iv x 1


amiodarone/D5W 750mg/500ml

Start at 1 mg/min x 6 hours, then 0.5 mg/min

Maximum rate 1.5 mg/min



diltiazem/NS 100mg/100ml

Loading dose 0.25mg/kg over 2 min

Start at 5 mg/hr

titrate by 5 mg/hr q10 min

Titrate to Goal Ventricular Rate <100

Hold for HR<50 or SBP <90

to a maximum of 15 mg/hr

(Usual range 5 mg/hr to 15 mg/hr)



dobutamine/D5W 250mg/250ml

Start at 2 mcg/kg/min

titrate by 2 mcg/kg/min every 5 min

Titrate to Goal parameter:

to a maximum of 20 mcg/kg/min

(Usual range 1 mcg/kg/min to 20 mcg/kg/min)



dopamine/D5W 400mg/250ml

Start at 2 mcg/kg/min

Titrate by 1 mcg/kg/min every 5 min

To a Goal MAP > or = 65 mmHg to a maximum of 25 mcg/kg/min

(Usual range 1 mcg/kg/min to 25 mcg/kg/min)



epinephrine 1mg/NS250ml

Start at 0.01 mcg/kg/min

Titrate by 0.01 mcg/kg/min every 5 min

To a maximum of 1 mcg/kg/min or MAP > 65 mmHg

(Usual range 0.01 mcg/kg/min to 1 mcg/kg/min)



esmolol/NS 2500mg/250ml

Start at 50 mcg/kg/min

titrate by 50 mcg/kg/min q5 min

Titrate to Goal to keep HR <100

Hold for HR <50 or SBP <90

to a maximum of 300 mcg/kg/min

(Usual range 50 mcg/kg/min to 300 mcg/kg/min) 



furosemide 1000mg/100ml

Start at 5 mg/hr

titrate by 5 mg/hr q60 min

Titrate to Goal Urine Output 0.5 ml/kg/hr

to a maximum of 40 mg/hr

(Usual range 5 mg/hr to 40 mg/hr)



isoproterenol/D5W 1mg/250ml

Start at 0.01 mcg/kg/min

titrate by 0.01 mcg/kg/min every 5 min

Titrate to Goal parameters:

to a maximum of 0.4 mcg/kg/min

(Usual range 0.01mcg/kg/min to 0.4 mcg/kg/min)



labetalol/NS 200mg/200ml

Loading dose 10 mg IV

Start at 2 mg/min

titrate by 1 mg/min every 5 min

Titrate to Goal SBP [      ] mmHg

Hold for HR <50

to a maximum of 8 mg/min

(Usual range 2 mg/min to 8 mg/min)



lidocaine/D5W 2000mg/250ml

Start at 14 mcg/kg/min

titrate by 7 mcg/kg/min

Titrate to eliminate Ventricular Tachycardia

to a maximum of 57 mcg/kg/min

(Usual range 14 mcg/kg/min to 57 mcg/kg/min)



milrinone/D5W 20mg/100ml

Loading dose 50 mcg/kg over 10 min

Start at 0.375 mcg/kg/min

titrate by 0.05 mcg/kg/min q30 min

Titrate to Goal parameter:

to a maximum of 0.75 mcg/kg/min

(Usual range 0.375 mcg/kg/min to 0.75 mcg/kg/min)



nicardipine/NS 20mg/200ml

Start at 5 mg/hr

titrate by 2.5 mg/hr every 5 min

Titrate to Goal SBP [      ] mmHg

Hold for HR <50

to a maximum of 15 mg/hr

(Usual range 5 mg/hr to 15 mg/hr)



nitroglycerin/D5W 100mg/250ml

Start at 0.1 mcg/kg/min

titrate by 0.2 mcg/kg/min q3 min

Titrate to eliminate chest pain

Maintain SBP > 100 mmHg

to a maximum of 5 mcg/kg/min

(Usual range 0.1 mcg/kg/min to 5 mcg/kg/min)



nitroprusside/NS 100mg/250ml

Start at 0.5 mcg/kg/min

titrate by 0.5 mcg/kg/min every 2 min

Titrate to Goal SBP [      ] mmHg

to a maximum of 10 mcg/kg/min

(Usual range 0.5mcg/kg/min to 10mcg/kg/min)



norepinephrine/NS 8mg/250ml

Start at 0.01 mcg/kg/min

Titrate by 0.02 mcg/kg/min every 5 min

To a Goal MAP > or = 65 mmHg to a maximum of 3 mcg/kg/min

(Usual range 0.01 mcg/kg/min to 3 mcg/kg/min)



phenylephrine/NS 50mg/250ml

Start at 0.3 mcg/kg/min

Titrate by 0.1 mcg/kg/min every 5 min

To a Goal MAP > or = 65 mmHg to a maximum of 10 mcg/kg/min

(Usual range 0.3 mcg/kg/min to 10 mcg/kg/min)



procaineamide/NS 1000mg/250ml

Start at 1 mg/min;

titrate by 1mg/min q 20 min

Titrate to Goal parameter:

to a maximum of 6mg/min up to 24 hr

(Usual range 1 mg/min to 6 mg/min)



vasopressin/NS 50units/250ml

Start at 0.01 units/min

Goal MAP > or = 65 mmHg

(Usual range 0.01 units/min to 0.04 units/min)

