

End of Life Comfort Care

Nurse order

Provide private room

Visitor okay pre-post normal hours



Regular diet(持ち込み可)



Pain management consult

Social service consult

Spiritual care consult



- Morphine (20mg/1ml solution) 10/20mg sublingual Q1H PRN for pain

- Morphine 1/2/4mg IV Q1H PRN for pain

- Morphine IV (100mg/NS100cc) 持続

start at 1mg/hr, titrate by 1mg/hr every 5 minutes, maximum dose: none


- Hydromorphone 0.2/0.4mg IV Q4H PRN for severe pain

- Hydromorphone IV (50mg/NS50cc) 持続

start at 0.2mg/hr, titrate to patient comfort


- Fentanyl Patch 12/25/50/75/100mcg/hr Q3D SCH


- Acetaminophen 650mg PO Q4H PRN

- Acetaminophen 650mg PO Q6H SCH



- Diphenhydramine 25mg PO Q4H PRN for pruritis

- Diphenhydramine 25mg IV Q4H PRN for pruritis



- Senna-Docusate 2 tab PO HS PRN for constipation

- Bisacodyl Suppository 10mg PR DAILY PRN for constipation



- Scopolamine 1.5mg/72hr Patch 1 patch TD Q72H PRN for excess secretions

- Hyoscyamine 0.125mg PO Q4H PRN for excess secretions



- Lorazepam 1mg PO Q4H PRN for agitation

- Lorazepam 1mg IV Q2H PRN for agitation



- Haloperidol 1mg PO HS PRN for sleep



- Prochlorperazne 10mg PO Q6H PRN for nausea/vomiting

- Ondansetron 4mg IV Q6H PRN for nausea/vomiting

- Prochlorperazine 25mg PR Q12H PRN for nausea/vomiting




Insulin Sliding Scale



Low dose protocol (インスリン1日量が40単位以下の患者)

70-100    no insulin

101-150  no insulin

151-199  1単位/no insulin

200-249  2単位/no insulin

250-299  3単位/1単位

300-349  4単位/2単位

350以上  5単位 call MD/2単位 call MD

(insulin aspart:食前/眠前)


Medium dose protocol (インスリン1日量が40-80単位の患者)

70-100  no insulin

101-150  no insulin

151-199  2単位/no insulin

200-249  4単位/no insulin

250-299  6単位/3単位

300-349  8単位/4単位

350以上  10単位 call MD/5単位 call MD

(insulin aspart:食前/眠前)


High dose protocol (インスリン1日量が80単位以上の患者)

70-100  no insulin

101-150  no insulin

151-199  3単位/no insulin

200-249  6単位/no insulin

250-299  9単位/4単位

300-349  12単位/6単位

350以上  15単位 call MD/7単位 call MD

(insulin aspart:食前/眠前)




インスリン:insulin regular







軽度~中等度 (40-69mg/dl) グルコース15 gram 経口

重度(40mg/dl以下) グルコース30 gram 経口


経口不能、IV accessある時

軽度~中等度 (40-69mg/dl) 50%ブドウ糖液12.5 gram IV

重度(40mg/dl以下) 50%ブドウ糖液25 gram IV


IV accessなしかつ経口不能

グルカゴン 1mg IM, 続いてグルコース経口投与あるいは5%ブドウ糖液100m/hrで開始



インスリン持続静脈投与(not for DKA)

Insulin regular 100units/NS100cc

Goal: Fingerstick blood glucose 110-150mg/dl

Initiate IV Insulin Infusion 


< 150      No bolus / No infusion 

150-180   2 units / 1 unit/h

181-210   3 units / 2 units/h

211-250   4 units / 4 units/h

251-300   5 units / 6 units/h

> 300 call MD


Further titration 

Fingerstick blood glucose check every 1 hour


< 70  hypoglycemic protocol

<110  No bolus / stop infusion 

110-150  No bolus / no change

151-180  No bolus / increase by 1 unit/h

181-210  2 units / increase by 2 units/h

211-250  3 units / increase by 3 units/h

251-300  5 units / increase by 4 units/h

301-400  8 units / increase by 5 units/h

>400 call MD


If FSBG decrease >40mg/dl regardless of range, decrease rate by 50%

If FSBG decrease 2 consecutive readings in 110-150 range, decrease rate by 50%



Job Search for J1 VISA Holder

Timeline (my experience)

4/2015   Registration to job search websites

5/2015   Start contacting recruiters

8-9/2015  Interview / contract (the earlier the better for J1 waiver spots)

12/2015  Application to FCVS

2/2016   Application to American Board of Internal Medicine

2/2016   Submission of application to state medical license

3/2016   Application to J1 extension

4/2016   Notification of J1 waiver selection

4/2016   Preparation for graduation (medical procedures, evaluation sheets, ...)

6/2016   Submission of the rest of medical license application once residency is finished

8/2016   American Board of Internal Medicine Exam



① How to search job positions

First, you make a new e-mail account exclusively for job search

Then register to websites below

And you start receiving e-mails every day

When you find programs you are interested in, then you call the recruiters to ask about more details. If you are eligible for the programs, they will set up interviews


Practice match https://www.practicematch.com/

Career MD https://www.careermd.com/

Practice link http://www.practicelink.com/

3R Net https://www.3rnet.org/ (for J1 VISA holder)


(Contract better to be reviewed with experienced attending physicians before signed)


② Medical license application

☆FCVS (Federation Credentials Verification Service) (the earlier the better)


(some of the documents require notarization which can be done by program secretaries)


☆Initial full license application (MA) (the earlier the better)

http://www.mass.gov/eohhs/gov/departments/borim/physicians/licensing/forms/full-license/initial-full-licenses.html (MA state license)

Documents require to be filled out and be sent


Opioid and Pain Management Training www.opioidprescribing.com. (online training)

Training to Recognize and Report Suspected Child Abuse or Neglect

http://middlesexcac.org/51A-reporter-training/ (online training)

National Practitioner Data Bank http://www.npdb.hrsa.gov/ (online registration)

AMA Physician Profile https://commerce.ama-assn.org/amaprofiles/ (online registration)



③ Application to American Board of Internal Medicine


Application from 12/1/2016 through 3/1/2017 (exam fee cheaper if applying by 2/15/2017)


④ Extension of J1 VISA (optional)

J1 VISA expires when residency training is finished

By applying to IM board exam, J1 VISA can be extended to the end of the month when the exam is taken (end of August)

Go to OASIS -> J1 VISA sponsorship -> Board application





ICU notes are usually written based on organ system. The concept is that physicians try not to miss any issues which need to be addressed by reviewing all the body system. This method can also be applicable to outpatient visit summary. Using this system may increase a chance to remind physicians to follow up important medical issues and treatment goals in the primary care setting.



Outpatient Visit Summary

This is a __ year-old ____ male / female who has been followed up since ___


[Past Medical History]


[Surgical History]




< Medications prescribed by others >

Aspirin 81mg po daily, ・・・ by cardiology

Oxycodone 5mg po q6h prn, ・・・ by orthopedic surgery

Citalopram 20mg po once daily, ・・・ by psychiatric

< Change of major medications >


Metoprolol increased from 25mg/day to 50mg/day due to tachycardia (  /  /  )


Lisinopril due to cough (  /  /  )

Clopidogrel one year after DES placement due to GI bleeding  (  /  /  )

Spironolactone due to hyperkalemia  (  /  /  )

Warfarin due to recurrent PE in the setting of unstable INR (  /  /  )


Losartan 50mg po once daily (since  /  /  )

Apixaban 5mg po BID (since   /  /  )


Adherent / nonadherent  ->    Intervention

Person who manages medications:  patient /____


[Allergy / Side Effect]

Penicillin:  itchiness (patient tolerated ceftriaxone and meropenem)

Atorvastain:  muscle ache / elevated CPK

NSAIDs upper GI bleeding resulted in blood transfusion

Lisinopril: cough

Spironolactone: hyperkalemia


[Social History]

Visiting nurse (-/+)  __ times/wk,  Type of cares: 

Home physical therapy (-/+) __ times/wk,  Type of therapy

Home aid service (-/+) __ times/wk,  grocery shopping / cooking / cleaning / washing

Day care center (-/+) __ times/wk,  Type of care:

Living situation: single family home / apartment / elderly home / nursing home / acute rehab facility / long-term acute care facility

Lives on ___ floor,  Elevator (-/+)  Stairs (-/+)  Number of steps:

Financial status:

Family (-/+)   close / estranged,   live in ____

Contact person:    Relationship:   usually see __ times/mo, TEL:

Lives alone / lives with others:

Activity level

Ambulation: able / unable

Supportive device: none / cane / walker / wheel chair

Bedridden (-/+)

Urination / defecation:

Dietary intake: independent / partial assist / full assist / tube feeding

Exercise capacity:  above / below 4METS

(climb up a flight of stairs, walk up hill, perform heavy work around house)


Interest / hobby:

Exercise: Type:     __ hours/one time,  __ times/wk

Smoking (-/+) current / former smoker,  __ pack-year,   quit in ___ 

Alcohol: none / occasional / often,  Type of alcohol:       Amount per day:             __ times/wk 

Recreational drug: (-/+) Type:       IV/orally/nasally/  ,  h/o detox program use:


[Family history]






Orientation: person / place /day / month / year / president (  /  /  )

Communication: good / some difficulty / only yes-no question / non-verbal

Cranial nerve (  /  /  )

Extraocular movement:    direct pupillary light reflex:

Facial sensation:     jaw opening:      bite strength: 

Eyebrow raise:      eyelid close:    smile:     frown:      pucker:  

Palate elevation:   lateral head rotation:   shoulder shrug:   Tongue protrusion:

Muscle strength (R/L out of 5)

Shoulder abduction   / elbow flexion   / elbow extension   /   wrist extension   / wrist flexion   /

Hip flexion /    hip adduction   /   knee extension   /    knee flexion    /    foot dorsiflexion  /    foot plantar flexion  /

Sensation (to soft touch: R/L)

Shoulder (C4)  /  Lateral arm (C5)  /  thumb (C6)  /  middle finger (C7)  /  small finger (C8)  /  medial arm (T1)  /  nipple (T4)  /  umbilicus (T10)  /

Below inguinal ligament (L1)  /  middle thigh (L2)  /  lower thigh (L3)  /  medial foot (L4)  / dorsal foot (L5)  /  lateral foot (S1)  /



Head CT(-/+)(  /  /  )   

Brain MRI(-/+)(  /  /  )        

Head MRA(-/+)(  /  /  )        

Neck MRA(-/+)(  /  /  )        

Carotid artery US(-/+)(  /  /  )        


<Ischemic Stroke

Date of Dx   (  /  /  )

Type:  Embolic / Large-vessel thrombosis / Small vessel thrombosis

Residual Sx:

Anti-coagulation Tx (-/+):  mg   , Reason not to be on: high risk for fall

Anti-platelet Tx (-/+):     mg  , Reason not to be on: h/o significant GI bleeding

(clopidogrel 75mg daily or ASA 25mg+dipyridamole 200mg BID or ASA 81-325mg daily,

Efficacy: clopidogrel ASA+dipyridamol > ASA, 

Cost: ASA+dipyridamol > clopidogrel > ASA)

Baseline blood pressure       /    mmHg    

Target blood pressure 140/90 or 130/ (recent lucunar stroke)

Current anti-hypertensive meds:     mg po      +  

(ACEI / ARB (first choice) ± long-acting dihydropyridine CCB or diuretic

(AHA/ASA recommends adding diuretic to ACEI/ARB as needed))

Current statin Tx:               mg po daily           

Target LDL: N/A

(high intensity statin Txatorvastatin 40-80mg, rosuvastatin 20-40mg  or  low-moderate intensity statin Tx if not tolerate high intensity Tx)


Seizure Disorder

Primary / Secondary

History of seizure: initial occurrence  /  /   times/year, the last seizure  /  /                      

Seizure free interval:

EEG (  /  /  ):

History of treatment: meds started after second Sx, meds once discontinued on , Sx recurred on  then meds restarted since   

Current meds:                    (since   /  /  )       

Adherence  good / nonadherent      

Serum level      (  /  /  )

Major side effect:    

phenytoin (dizziness, D), carbamazepine (aplastic anemia, leukopenia, D), valproic acid (elevated NH3, hepatotoxicity, D), ethosuximide (bone marrow supression, D), gabapentin (GI, D), lamotrigine (headache, tremor), leviteracitam (GI, D), oxcarbazepine (hypoNa, D), topiramate (mood problem, kidney stone), zonisamide (kidney stone)     

(D: drowsiness)

Driving restriction (+/-)           


Folic acid supplementation:  0.8mg po daily (4mg/day if on valproate / carbamazepine) for childbaering age

Neurologist ________


Parkinson Disease

Date of onset (  /  /  )

Date of diagnosis (  /  /  )

Brain MRI  (  /  /  )    

Ruling out causative medications: 

History of treatment:

Current meds:          mg      (since   /  /  )

Side effect:

Speech: no impairment / mild / moderate / severe

Dysphagia: none / mild / moderate / severe

Tremor: none / mild / mod-severe

Bradykinesia: none / mild / mod-severe 

Rigidity: none / mild / mod-severe 

Gait: no impairment / mild / moderate / severe  

Fall: none / occasionally / frequently

Non-motor Sx: cognitive impairment (-/+) psychosis (-/+) mood disorder(-/+)

Autonomic dysfunction: orthostatic hypotension (-/+)  constipation(-/+) difficulty urinating (-/+)

Neurologist ________



Mini-mental state exam      /30 (  /  /  ) 

(cut-off <24  advanced (<17)   severe (<10))

Evaluation for reversible / treatable cause:

VitB12, ESR, TSH, RPR, Head CT/MRI, eval for ETOH abuse, screen for depression

For selected patient:

ANA, ANCA, CSF(TB, cryptococcus, cytology, ..), HIV, paraneoplastic Ab, heavy metal screen, ..

Diagnosis: vascular dementia

Current meds:   mg    (since   /  /  ) 

Side effect:

Decision making capacity evaluation:       (   /  /   )

Intervention:  live alone, no healthcare proxy, cooking, driving, financial management, lost



Frequency:       times/month

Disability:  mild / moderate / severe

Neurological symptoms: (-/+):

Brain CT/MRI (-/+):

Usual medications for acute setting:              mg       Effectiveness:

Life-style modification: sleep / regular meal / avoid triggers

Prophylaxis:                (since   /  /  )

Indication for prophylaxis Tx: >4 times/month, last longer than 12h,

failure / side effect / contraindication to acute therapy, menstrual migraine, ..

(metoprolol, amitriptyline (for insomnia,depression), valproate (for seizure), topiramate (for obesity))




Heart murmur (-/+:    at             )  Chronic leg edema (-/+) 

Baseline BP                 Baseline HR            

Baseline rhythm SR / Afib / pacer

ECG (  /  /  )  rhythm   HR    axis    PR    QRS   QTc    ST-T

Echocardiography (  /  /  ) LVEF   diastolic Fx    valve     Pulmonary artery systolic pressure    RV Fx 

Pacemaker (-/+) placement (  /  /  ) Type:       Reason:      

ICD (-/+) placement (  /  /  )   Primary prevention/Secondary prevention

Cardiac stress test (  /  /  ) Type:           Result:            

Coronary angiography: (  /  /  ) Result:              

Coronary intervention:CABG (  /  /  )  DES (  /  /  )  BMS (  /  /  )

Valvular intervention: (-/+) (  /  /  ) Valve:   Type of intervention:    Type of valve: 

Ankle-brachial index (  /  /  ):       (0.9-1.3:normal, 0.4-0.9:a/w claudication, <0.4: multilevel disease)

Cardiovascular Risk: (Framingham 10 year risk)        % (  /  /  )

Abdominal US (  /  /  ) (Screening for AAA x 1 for 65-75 yo male with h/o smoking)



Baseline BP                Patient’s target BP            (manual)

Current meds:        (since   /  /  )     (since   /  /  )    (since   /  /  )

Target BP

<125-130/90> similar to SPRINT study population

(non-nursing home resident 50 yo or older patients without h/o DM / stroke / symptomatic HF with at least one following risk factor: 75yo or older / CAD / PAD / ABI<0.9 / CA calcification / LVH / GFR 20-59 / 10 year CV risk > 15%)

130/80 proteinuric CKD / DM 

140/90 stroke / Others

150/  80 yo or older if 140/ not achievable

(Diastolic blood pressure no less than 70mmHg or at least 65mmHg for elderly patient -> increase CV risk)


Initial monotherapy (less than 20/10mmHg above Target BP)

ACEI/ARB (young) or long-acting dihydropyridine CCB (elderly) or thiazide (for osteoporosis, without gout / hyponatremia)

(switch to different type of meds if moderate dose doesn’t achieve target BP instead of increasing to maximum dose)

Combination therapy (more than 20/10mmHg above Target BP)

ACEI/ARB + long-acting dihydropyridine CCB

(add other meds as needed if not achieve target BP)


Screening for secondary hypertension

Indication: younger than 30 yo, refractory HTN, Sx indicative, abrupt elevation of blood pressure,

Evaluation (as needed): adherence, home blood pressure, technique of measuring, diet, causative medications, polysomnography, duplex doppler US, plasma renin activity / plasma renin concentration, dexamethasone suppression test, 24h urine fractionated CA/metanephrine


Heart Failure


TTE(  /  /  ) LVEF   % diastolic Fx       RV function

Underlying heart disease:

NYHA:      (I: no limit, II: climb more than 1 flight of stairs, not jog, III: climb only 1 flight, IV:Sx at rest)

Frequency of hospitalization for acute exacerbation      times/year

Current body weight       kg(  /  /  )  Targer BW      kg   

Baseline proBNP:

Current meds:       (  /  /  )        (  /  /  )        (  /  /  )

Life-style modification: sodium restriction 2-3g/day, fluid restriction 1.5-2L/day (if hyponatremia), daily weight, medication adherence

Diuretic:               mg

Furosemide 20-40mg (max single dose: 160-200 (max 600mg/day)), Torsemide 5-10mg (max single dose: 100mg (max 200mg/day)), Bumetanide 0.5-1.0mg (max single dose 5mg (max 10mg/day))

BB:                    mg

Carvedilol 3.125mg BID titrate to 25mg BID, Metoprolol 12.5mg/day titrate to 200mg/day

ACEI/ARB:           mg

Lisinopril 5mg/day, titrate to 20mg/day, Valsartan 20mg BID titrate to 160mg BID

Mineralcorticoid receptor antagonist:              mg

EF<30%+NYHAII or EF<35% +NYHAIII/IV -> Spironolactone 12.5 - 25mg/day, titrate to 50mg/day

Hydralazine + Nitrate:           mg  +            mg

African-american (or any ethnicity) with EF<40% and persistent NYHAIII/IV with meds above

Hydralazine 25mg TID + Isosorbide dinitrate 20mg TID, titrate to Hydralazine 75mg x 3 + Isosorbide dinitrate 40mg x 3 (or Isosorbide mononitrate 40mg->100mg/day)

Digoxin:                    mg

NYHAII-IV despite appropriate Tx,  Digoxin 0.125mg/day, target serum level 0.5-0.8ng/ml

ICD placement

Secondary prevention  or

EF<35% and NYHAII-III, ischemic cardiomyopathy with EF<30% and NYHAI

(Biventricular pacinng with ICD: EF<35% and NYHAIII-IV and QRS>120)

Cardiac resynchronization Tx:

SR and EF<35% and QRS>150 and non-LBBB or LBBB and NYHAIII/IV despite optimal Tx



Diastolic dysfunction:  mild/moderate/severe

Tx: control HTN, volume control, maintenance of sinus rhythm, coronary revascularization as needed


Atrial Fibrillation

Chronic / Paroxysmal

Symptoms:  asymptomatic / mild / moderate to severe

Baseline HR           

Target HR   80 (symptomatic) / 110 (asymptomatic)             

Rate control med:        mg     (  /  /  )

Algorithm: BB or CCB or digoxin (for HFrEF)ー>BB or/+ CCB + digoxin ー>ablation or amiodarone

(BB: atenolol 25-100mg/day, metoprolol 50-200mg/day, CCB: verapamil 120-360mg/day, diltiazem 120-360mg/day, digoxin 0.125-0.25mg/day)


Anti-coagulation:           mg        / Reason not to be on:                       

History of cardioversion:

History of ablation:


Coronary Heart Disease

Date of Dx:         (  /  /  )

Stress test: (  /  /  ):

CAG / intervention: (  /  /  ):

Exertional angina / dyspnea (-/+)   stable / worsening

Current medications:                    mg 

Antiplatelet Tx: Aspirin: 81-325mg/day or clopidogrel 75mg (allegic to ASA)

Anti-anginal Tx: BB (or/+ CCB) ± long-acting nitrate -> revascularization

(BB: atenolol, metoprolol, CCB: amlodipine, felodipine, Nitrate: isosorbide dinitrate / mononitrate, transderm NTG)

ACEI/ARB: (HTN / DM / CKD / EF<40%)


At least moderate intensity Tx: lovastatin / pravastatin / simvastatin 40mg, atorvastatin 10-20mg,  rosuvastatin 5-10mg

High risk: high-intensity Tx: atorvastatin 40-80mg, rosuvastatin 20-40mg

Management: weight loss, smoking cessation, DM, HTN, HL, anemia, hypoxia, hyperthyroidism, stress


Peripheral Artery Disease

Symptoms: asymptomatic / claudication / pain at rest / non-healing ulcer / gangrene

Physical exam: color / pulse / ulcer / sensation / motor

Wave doppler: femoral  /  popliteal  /  anterior tibial  /  posterior tibial  /

ABI:        (  /  /  )

CTA / angiography (  /  /  ):

Risk management:  antiplatelet (aspirin 81mg or clopidogrel 75mg), smoking cessation, DM, HTN, HL

Revascularization: (  /  /  )

Vascular surgeon _____




Chronically wheezing (-/+) Chronically distant lung sound (-/+)

Chest X-ray (  /  /  ):

Pulmonary function test (  /  /  ):

Chest CT (  /  /  ):

ABG on RA/   L:  

Smoking:       pack-year  quit since___ / current smoker    interested in cessation yes / no ,  Attempt with / without meds:



%Predicted FEV1                    FEV1     L

GOLD stage           (%PreFEV1  1: >80,  2: 50-80,  3: 30-50,  4: <30)

Baseline CO2


Frequency of acute exacerbation    times/year, hospitalization     times/year

Current meds:     (  /  /  )    (  /  /  )    (  /  /  )

Short-acting bronchodilator (for all patients)

Albuterol 90mcg 2 puff q4-6h prn  or  Ipratropium 2 puff q4h prn

Long-acting bronchodilator (initiate with either of themー>both)

LA anticholinergic:  Tiotropium 18mcg inhale once daily

LABA:  Salmeterol 1 inhale BID,  Formoterol 12mcg inhale BID

Inhaled glucocorticoid (add on LA bronchodilator, stage 3/4)

Fluticasone 100/250/500mcg inhale BID,  Budesonide 100/200/400mcg BID

[Refractory to Tx]

Theophylline 300-600mg/day

PDE4 inhibitor: Roflumilast 500mcg once dialy (decrease inflammation -> potentially reduce exacerbation)

Management: supplemental O2, smoking cessation, vaccine, rehabilitation, surgery, terminal care

Home oxygen Tx (since   /  /  )     L/min at rest,   L/min on ambulation

(Lung volume reduction surgery: benefit for upper lobe emphysema and low exercise capacity)


Bronchial Asthma

Symptom: intermittent (<2/week) / mild persistent (>2/week) /moderate persistent (daily) / severe persistent (all day)

Frequency of acute exacerbation       times/year

History of hospitalization / intubation:   

PFT (  /  /  )

Peak flow (personal best)   

Current meds:       (  /  /  )         (  /  /  )

Short-acting bronchodilator (for all patients)

Albuterol 90mcg 2 puff q4-6h prn 

Inhaled glucocorticoid

Fluticasone 100/250/500mcg BID, budesonide 100/200/400mcg BID

Long-acting bronchodilator

LABA: Salmeterol 1 inhale BID,  Formoterol 12mcg BID

[Adjusting controller Tx] (refractory to LABA + high dose IG)

Leukotriene receptor antagonist: Montelukast 10mg once daily

Theophylline 300-600mg/day

Anticholinergic bronchodilator: Tiotropium 18mcg inhale once daily

Anti-IgE Tx (IgE 30-700IU/ml, positive allergen test)

Systemic steroid: (uncontrolled despite other meds -> lowest dose and shortest course as possible)

Control trigger: allergen (pet, dust, pollen, ・・), smoking, rhinitis, GERD, meds


Venous Thromboembolism

PE / DVT      times (  /  /  ) (  /  /  )   

Provoked (-/+):  

Anticoagulation (-/+):        mg     Duration of Tx:

Pulmonary HTN (-/+)

Hypercoagulable state work-up: indication (-/+)  Result:  

IVC Filter:  placed (  /  /  )  removal (  /  /  )

Reassessment for continuation of anticoagulation: fall risk, bleeding risk, malignancy, quality of life, patient’s wish


Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Polysomnography (  /  /  ) 

Baseline SpO2    minimum SpO2   Total AHI     (obstructive AHI    central AHI    )

Apnea Hypopnea Index: mild (5-15)   moderate (15-30)   severe (>30)

Modification: weight loss, avoidance of alcohol・sedative med, non-spine position

CPAPBPAP setting:                      

Adherence: good / nonadherent       Intervention:       

Control Sx: sleepiness(+/-) poor concentration(+/-) fatigue (+/-) headahce(+/-)

Pulmonologist _____



EGD (  /  /  ):

Colonoscopy (  /  /  ):

Abdominal US (  /  /  ):

Abdominal CT (  /  /  ):

Upper GI bleeding (-/+) (  /  /  ) cause:

Lower GI bleeding (-/+) (  /  /  ) cause:



Symptoms: Frequency: < 2/week, >2/week,   Severity: mild / severe

Current meds:     mg  (since   /  /  )

Sx: mild / less frequent: famotidine 10mg BIDー>20mg BID (at least 2weeks)ー>pantoprazole 20mg/dayー>pantoprazole 40mg/day (step up Tx if Sx not controlled)

Sx: severe / frequent: pantoprazole 40mg/day

Discontinue meds if Sx resolves (Tx continued for 8 weeks)

Indication for maintenance PPI Tx: Barret esophagus / severe erosive esophagitis (standard dose or higher), recurrent GERD after discontinuation of Tx (lowest effective dose)

EGD (  /  /  ):

Indication for EGD: refractory to PPI standard dose x 4-8 weeks, alarm feature (dysphagia, odynophagia, GI bleeding, anemia, weight loss, recurrent vomiting), screen for Barrett esophagus (chronic GERD, hiatal hernia, older than 50 yo, male, obesity)


Peptic Ulcer Disease

H.pylori-positive ulcer  /  NSAIDs-induced ulcer  /  Non-H.pylori-Non-NSAIDs ulcer

EGD (  /  /  ):

Follow-up EGD (-/+) (  /  /  ):

History of treatment:

Duration of PPI Tx (pantoprazole 20-40mg/day)

- H.pylori positive ulcer:

Uncomplicated duodenal ulcer: 2 weeks

Complicated duodenal ulcer: 4-8 weeks

Gastric ulcer: 8-12 weeks

- NSAIDs-induced ulcer: at least 8 weeks

- Non-H.pylori/Non-NSAIDs ulcer: long-term

Maintenance PPI Tx: pantoprazole 20-40mg/day

Indication for maintenance Tx (for high risk group): ulcer > 2cm + older than 50 yo, non-H.pylori/non-NSAIDs ulcer, refractory / frequent ulcer, failure to Tx of H.pylori, continued NSAIDs)

H.pylori eradication Tx: (-/+)

H.pylori eradication confirmation:        (  /  /  )




Child-Pugh                MELD score         (  /  /  )

Management: vaccine (HAV/HBV), adjustment of meds, avoid alcohol, follow-up complications

[Varices] (-/+)

EGD (  /  /  ):

History of treatment:

Endoscopic screening:

No varices: every 2-3 years, Small varices: every 1-2 years, decompensated cirrhosis: every year

Beta blocker: nadolol 40mg, titrate to achieve resting HR of 55-60/min

(BB used for both primary and secondary prevention for both compensated and decompensated cirrhosis, but with low threshold of discontinuing for side effect, especially for pt with decompensated cirrhosis)

[Ascites] (-/+)

2 gram sodium diet, fluid restriction (if Na<125)

Diuretic: spironolactone 100-400mg + furosemide 40-160mg/day

Paracentesis ± Albumin administration ( iv 6-8 gram / L of fluid removal when more than 5L removed)

Monitor: renal function, mental status

[Recurrent hepatic encephalopathy] (-/+)

Lactulose 30ml 3-4 times/day ー> keep BM 2-3 times/day

Rifaximin 550mg PO BID (add on lactulose as needed)

Oral branched-chain amino acid (when refractory to lactulose / rifaximin or protein-intolerant)

[Hepatocellular carcinoma] (-/+)

Screening (all patients with cirrhosis regardless of the cause): abdominal US every 6 months: The last US (  /  /  ):

Diagnosis (  /  /  )

History of Tx:



[Nephrology / Urology]

Baseline Cre     (  /  /  )

UA (  /  /  ) protein (-/  +) occult blood (-/  +)   RBC     Cast

Urine protein (albumin) (mg/dl) - Urine creatinine (mg/dl) ratio   (≒ g/day)(  /  /  )

(Proteinuria: >150mg/day, moderately increased albuminuria: 30-300mg/day, severely increased albuminuria: >300mg/day)

Renal US (  /  /  ):

Urinary catheter (-/+:Type:         reason:        The day cath was lastly changed  (  /  /  )


Chronic Kidney Disease

Stage    (GFR: 1:>90,  2: 60-89,  3: 30-59,  4: 15-29,  5: <15)

Cause:          proteinuria(-/+)  DM(-/+)

[Blood pressure control]

Baseline BP   /    mmHg  

Current meds:      mg

Diabetic nephrophathy or proteinuric CKD: Target BP: 130/80 

(1) ACEI or ARB ± (2) loop diuretic ± (3) nondihydropyridine CCB or dihydropyridine CCB (if already on BB)

Nondiabetic and nonproteinuric CKD: Target BP 140/90 or 125/-130/90 (older than 50 yo+high CVD risk)

-> loop diuretic (if edema) ± ACEI or ARB ± CCB

[Glycemic control]

HbA1c       (  /  /  )    

Target HbA1c: 7 or 8 (elderly)

[Metabolic acidosis]

HCO3         (  /  /  )

Goal: HCO3>23  sodium bicarbonate  0.5-1.0mEq/kg/day

[Fluid volume]

Edema (+/-)    refractory HTN (+/-)

Clinical volume overload or subclinical overload (refractory HTN) ー>loop diuretic


K      (  /  /  )

Dietary restriction, discontinue causative meds, diuretic ー> decrease the dose of ACEI/ARBー> discontinue ACEI/ARB (if K>5.5)


Hb       (  /  /  )      

Target Hb 10.0 - 11.5 (For predialysis patient)

Rule out other causes: yes / no

Transferin saturation     %    Ferritin       (  /  /  )    

Iron supplement: ferrous sulfate 325mg TID or IV  (when transferin saturation<30%, ferritin<500)

Erythropoiesis stimulating agent:initially 10000 units SC weekly (Indication: Hb<10, iron deficiency corrected, no h/o stroke or active malignancy)    

[Bone metabolism]

Intact PTH:     corrected Ca:      phos:       25(OH) D       (  /  /  )

Target: intact PTH / Ca / phos in normal range

(1) dietary phosphate restriction <900mg/day ->

(2) phosphate binder:calcium gluconate 1000mg/day (when hypocalecemic) or sevelamer 800mg TID (when hypercalcemic) + ergocalciferol 50000u weekly if 25(OH)D < 30 ->

(3) active oral vitamin D derivative (calcitriol, alfacalcidol, doxercalciferol, paricalcitol) (only if corrected Ca<9.5 and phos not elevated, then discontinue ergocalciferol) ->

(4) cinacalcet 30mg/day

[dyslipidemia] statin (+/-)



Preparation for renal replacement therapy

Referral to nephrologist (when GFR<30), Discussion, access placement (AV fistula / AV graft / tunneled catheter / peritoneal dialysis catheter), transplantation,  vaccine (HBV, pneumococcus)

Access placement: AV fistula (  /  /  ) AV graft (  /  /  ) tunneled catheter (  /  /  ) peritoneal dialysis catheter (  /  /  )

Date of initiation: Hemodialysis / peritoneal dialysis (since   /  /  )   

Dialysis scheduleMo / We / Fr    

Facility:           TEL            

Nephrologist ______         

Dry weight     kg



[Infectious Disease]

Culture in the past: MRSA(-/+):      pseudomonas(-/+):  ESBL(-/+):     Other:

Healthcare-associated:on HD, IV chemotherapy, nursing home/long-term care facility residence



Screening for all patients 13-75 yo (  /  /  )  positive / negative

Date of diagnosis (  /  /  )              

Route of infection:     

HIV-RNA / viral load       (  /  /  ) 

CD4       (  /  /  ) 

History of ART

Since when      (  /  /  )    

Adherence: adherent / non-adherent

Side effect:     

Prophylaxis for opportunistic infection:TMP-SMX / azithromycin /   


ROS / Physical Exam (infection, skin, eye, oral, neuro/cognitive Fx, GI, CV, lung, renal/urology, malignancy, metabolic , ..)

Cancer: anal pap smear (every year)  (with age-appropriate other cancer screening)  (  /  /  )


Syphilis serology, chlamydia/gonorrhea PCR, trichomonas: every year (when sexually active)  (  /  /  ) 

TB, HAV, HBV: at baseline   (  /  /  )

HCV: at baseline + every year (if IV drug abuse, MSM)   (  /  /  )

Ophtahlmology evaluation: CD4 < 50, every 6-12 months  (  /  /  )

Medication toxicity

Labs: CBC, BUN, Cre, AST, ALT, T-bil, UA: every 6 months      (  /  /  )

Vaccine: generally the same recommendation with immunocompetent except for when CD4 < 200, live vaccine is not recommended at that time

ID physician _________


Hepatitis B

HBs-Ag (-/+)  HBs-Ab (-/+)       (  /  /  )

Screening: all Asian (+ other), sexual contact to HBsAg positive patient, IV drug abuse, MSM, chronically elevated AST/ALT, HCV/HIV patients, on HD, pregnant female, initiation of immunosuppression Tx

Work-up: CBC, INR, LFT, HBsAg/Ab, HBeAg/Ab, HBV-DNA, HIV, HCV, HAV-IgG (  /  /  )

HBeAg (+/-)  HBV-DNA      int unit/ml    ALT      

Liver biopsy: no / mild / moderate / advanced fibrosis      

History of treatment:

(treatment: typically indicated for evidence of fibrosis (even decompensated cirrhosis) ± high HBV-DNA>2000 / ALT>2xULN)

Current meds:           (since   /  /  )

Duration of Tx: usually longer than 4-5 years (at least one year after seroconversion, life-long Tx for cirrhosis)

Hepatocellular carcinoma screening: abdominal US every 6 months (  /  /  )  

(indication for screening: cirrhosis/cirrhotic hepatitis/HB carrier with risk (Asian male>40 yo, Asian female>50 yo, family h/o HCC, African-american))

ID physician or gastroenterologist ________


Hepatitis C

HCV-Ab (-/+)  (  /  /  )

Screening: sexual contact to HCV positive patients, IV drug abuse, child born to HCV mother, chronically elevated ALT, HBV/HIV patients, on HD, blood product transfusion (clotting factor before 1987, blood before 1992)

Work-up: CBC, INR, LFT, HBsAg/Ab, HIV-Ab, HAV-IgG, HCV-RNA      (  /  /  )   

Risk management: alcohol, smoking, obesity, marijuana (all promote fibrosis)

(Coffee > 2cups/day reduced risk of hospitalization and mortality)

Fatigue: ondansetron 4mg BID (long-term use -> risk for constipation, arrhythmia)

History of treatment:

Treatment: (considered for all patients including decompensated cirrhosis)

Evaluation prior to treatment: HCV genotype, Fibrosis stage (AST to Platelet ratio / direct maker of fibrosis / abdominal US), h/o Tx

Duration of Tx: usually 12-24 weeks

Hepatocellular carcinoma screening: abdominal US every 6 months (for cirrhosis)

ID physician or gastroenterologist __________



Tetanus / diphtheria (every 10 years)  last time (  /  /  )  next (  /  /  )

Pneumococcus (x 1 or 2 times) (older than 65 yo, 19-64 yo with risk factor: chronic heart / lung / liver / kidney disease, smoking, alcoholism, DM, immunocompromised,.)    (  /  /  )    

(Booster x 1 required for people who received before 65 yo (at least 5 year interval)

HPV ( x 1: 9-26 yo female, 9-21yo male (up to 26 yo with MSM))  (+/-)

Influenza (every year)  (  /  /  )

HBV (on HD, IV drug user, healthcare worker, chronic liver disease, DM < 60 yo, ..)  (+/-)

Zoster ( x 1:  older than 60 yo)  (+/-)



[Endocrinology / Metabolism]

Diabetic Mellitus

Type 1 / Type 2    

Date of diagnosis (  /  /  )

HbA1c    (  /  /  )  (every 3-6 months)  

Patient’s target HbA1c  

Target HbA1c:  7 (most patients), 8 (elderly), 6 (T1DM, pregnancy)

Urinary Albumin-to-Creatinine ratio (mg/dl/g/dl) (≒mg/day)   (  /  /  ) (every year)

(Moderately increased albuminuria: 30-300mg/day, Severely increased albuminuria: >300mg/day)

Initiation of ACEI: when albuminuria > 30mg/day × 2 (regardless of blood pressure (data limited for normotensive patients))

Blood pressure

Baseline BP:   /   mmHg   

Target BP 130/80

(1) ACEI/ARB ± (2) long-acting dihydropyridine CCB ± loop diuretic (for renal faiure) ± carvedilol (if BB given)


LDL    (  /  /  ) 

Target LDL N/A (less than 100(no overt CVD) / less than 70(overt CVD))

Indication of statin: all diabetic patients older than 40 yo (regardless of LDL or risk factor) -> moderate or high intensity statin Tx

Or younger than 40 yo patients with CVD or CVD risk factors (LDL>100, HTN, obesity)

Aspirin: ASA 81mg/day

Indication for ASA: Secondary prevention/Primary prevention: cardiovascular risk 10 year risk > 10% (male or female older than 50 yo with at least following one risk factors: smoking, HTN, obesity, albuminuria, HL, family history of CHD)

Foot examination / neuropathy   (  /  /  ) (every year)

Ophthalmology evaluation (  /  /  ) (every year)

ECG (at baseline, older than 50 yo)

Vaccine: HBV, pneumococcus (one more after 65 yo (5 year interval)), influenza

Management: smoking cessation, exercise, weight loss, nutritious education

Childbearing female: check hCG if miss menstruation -> discontinue statin/ACEI/ARB if positive

Current meds:

Insulin regimen:

Oral hypoglycemic agents:                                       

Adherence: adherent / non-adherent

Hypoglycemic episodes:


Medication therapy (for T2DM)

Initiate medications when diagnosis (with lifestyle intervention)

Initiate Metformin 500mg BID (first choice) (titrate up to 2000-2500mg/day over 1-2 months)

(consider early introduction of insulin Tx when glucose>300-350, HbA1c>10  (with /without additional Tx) )

if not achieve target HbA1c after 3 months ->

Dual agent therapy

Metformin + SU or TZD or DPP4 or GLP1RA or SGLT2I or Basal insulin

if not achieve target HbA1c after 3 months ->

Triple agent therapy or insulin therapy

Metformin + 2 agents (following agents are usually not used together: SU and insulin / GLP1RA and DDP4 / GLP1RA and SGLT2. Otherwise any other combination possible (usually metformin + SU + one) )

if not achieve target HbA1c ->

Switch to Insulin therapy (SU, DPP4, GLP1RA are usually discontinued, other oral agents are continued)


SU: glipizide 5mg once daily (Efficiency: high, hypoglycemic risk: moderate, cost: low, side effect: hypoglycemia)

TZD: pioglitazone 15mg once daily (Efficiency: high, hypoglycemic risk: low, cost: low, side effect: heart failure)

DDP4: sitagliptin 100mg once daily (Efficiency: moderate, hypoglycemic risk: low, cost: high, side effect: rare)

SGLT2I: canagliflozin 100mg once daily (Efficiency: moderate, hypoglycemic risk: low, cost: high, side effect: GU)

GLP1RA: exenatide 5mcg BID (Efficiency: high, hypoglycemic risk: low, cost: high, side effect: GI)


(Meglitinide (repaglinide): may be used instead of SU in patient with irregular meal or late postprandial hypoglycemia)

(Alfa-glucosidase I, pramlintide, bromocriptine: may be tried in specific situations, but generally not favored due to modest efficacy, frequency of administration, or side effect)


T1DM:  follow up with endocrinologist ________



TG   T-chol   LDL     HDL       (  /  /  )

Current meds:        (primary / secondary prevention)

[Secondary prevention] (known coronary heart disease or other cardiovascular disease)

Acute coronary syndrome: -> atorvastatin 80mg once daily

High risk group: (CHD or equivalent: MI, angina, stroke, TIA, PAD, 10y CVD risk>20%, GFR<45)

-> high-intensity Tx:  (atorvastatin 40-80mg, rosuvastatin 20-40mg)

Very high risk group (CHD + multiple risk factor (especially DM) or severe and poor controlled risk factor (especially current smoker) or (TG>200 + LDL>130 + HDL<40) or ACS

-> maximize statin ± second LDL-lowering agent

(Second LDL-lowering agent: niacin or ezetimibe)

[Primary prevention] (without cardiovascular disease)

Framingham 10 year risk of cardiovascular disease      %

(statin reduces relative risk by 20-30%-> Absolute risk reduction    %)

If make a decision to start primary prevention based on absolute risk reduction -> moderate intensity Tx:

(lovastatin / pravastatin / simvastatin 40mg, atorvastatin 10-20mg,  rosuvastatin 5-10mg)

(not give other type of anti-hyperlipidemia meds for primary prevention if patient doesn’t tolerate statin -> life-style modification ± ASA)

(ACC/AHA 2013 guideline redommends statin Tx as primary prevention for those: LDL > 190 or diabetic Pt > 40 yo or 10 years risk > 7.5%)

(fibrate Tx would be appropriate when TG > 500 to prevent pancreatitis)



Screening: indicative symptoms/signs, abnormal labs (anemia, hyponatremia, CPK, dyslipidemia,..), thyroid injury, autoimmune thyroiditis, central hypothyroidism


TSH       FT4      T3      (  /  /  )  

Target TSH: normal range (lower half of normal range if still symptomatic)

Check TSH once a year (6 weeks after change of dose)

Current meds:              (since   /  /  )    

Levothyroxin initial dose: 50mcg / 25mcg (elderly)


Subclinical hypothyroidism

Indication for treatment: TSH>10, TSH 4.5-10 and symptomatic or positive TPO-Ab, pregnancy)

Symptom control: fatigue (+/-) constipation(+/-) cold intolerance(+/-) dry skin(+/-) edema(+/-) depressive mode(+/-)



Risk factor: h/o fracture, glucocorticoid Tx, low body weight, current smoker, excessive alcohol intake(>3 drinks/day), rheumatoid arthritis, malabsorption condition (pancreatic disease, celiac disease, IBD, gastric bypass surgery)

Screening: all female older than 65 yo, postmenopausal female younger than 65 yo with risk factors, male with risk factors (low bone mass, h/o fracture, hyperparathyroidism, androgen deprivation Tx, ..)

Timing of DXA: hip/(spine) 

T: - 2 to - 2.5 or ongoing risk: every 2 years

T: - 1.5 to - 2 without risk: every 5 years

T: - 1 to - 1.5 without risk: follow up in 10-15 years

2 years after initiation of Tx

DXA: (  /  /  )  T score:  hip        spine        next (  /  /  )

Current meds:             (  /  /  )   

Indication for bisphosphonate: postmenopaussal female or male > 50 yo who have either h/o hip or vertebral Fx or T score < -2.5 or patients with osteopenia (T score -1.0 to -2.5) with 10 y osteoporotic fracture risk > 20%

Risk factors for Osteonecrosis of the jaw: IV bisphosphonate, cancer, anti-cancer Tx, compromised immune system, DM, smoking, glucocorticoid, dental extraction, dental implant, poorly fitting denture, preexisting dental disease


Vitamin D Deficiency

Risk factor: inadequate sun exposure, gastrectomy, pancreatic insufficiency, cirrhosis, anticonvulsants, nephrotic syndrome, renal failure, hypoparathyroidism

Risk: high / low,   

Serum 25(OH) D:     (  /  /  )




Attack:    times/year 

Severity:  mild / moderate-severe  

Tophaceous deposit (+/-)

Life modification: weight loss, vitamin C 500mg/day, limit alcohol, anti-HTN med (switch from thiazide diuretic to losartan), ASA (keep low-dose if possible)

Indication for urate-lowering Tx: attack more than 2 times/year or severe symptoms, tophaceous deposit, recurrent uric acid nephrolithiasis

Current meds      (  /  /  ) Prophylaxis (+/-)(colchicine 0.6mg daily less than 6 months)   

Uric acid    (  /  /  ) 

Target uric acid< 6 or < 5 (if tophaceous deposit)

Measurement of urinary uric acid excretion:        mg/day (  /  /  )  

(indication for measurement: attack at young male < 25 yo, premenopausal female, considering uricosuric agent (:probenecid))


Adrenal Incidentaloma (>1cm)

Evaluation of hormonal secretion:

Dexamethasone suppression (  /  /  ) 

24h urinary fractionated metanephrine/catecholamine (  /  /  ) 

Plasma aldosterone-to-plasma renin activity ratio / plasma potassium (  /  /  )

Evaluation for malignancy:

Abdominal CT (  /  /  ) 

Size:          Unilateral / bilateral     

Attenuation: high / low   

Primary malignancy elsewhere (+/-)

Follow-up CT abdomen at 3-6 mo / 12 mo / 24 mo (if benign appearance)

Adrenalectomy (  /  /  ) (suspicious, large, biochemically documented pheochromocytoma, increase in size by >1cm during follow-up)



WBC    Hb      Hct      MCV     PLT         (  /  /  )

Baseline Hb:            Baseline PLT:

History of transfusion:    (  /  /  )


Bone marrow aspiration / biopsy (-/+)      (  /  /  )

Reason:                     Result:

Lab evaluation: Reticulocyte production index      iron     ferritin    TIBC    transferrin saturation     VitB12    folate     TSH    (  /  /  )


Iron Deficiency Anemia

Date of diagnosis: (  /  /  )  

Hb on Dx:            Latest Hb        (  /  /  )

Presumed cause:                     

(etiology: menstruation, gastrectomy, inflammatory bowel disease, malignancy, GI bleed, myeloproliferative disease, ..)

History of work-up:

Current treatment:      (since   /  /  )


Indication for Tx: all patients without contraindication to iron Tx (regardless of symptoms, even without anemia)

Ferrous sulfate 325mg (iron: 65mg/Tab) (recommended dose: iron 150-200mg/day)

When intolerant to iron Tx: decrease the dose, or switch to liquid, or switch to IV

Follow up Hb / reticulocyte 2 weeks after initiation of Tx (Hb usually increases by 2g/dl in 3 weeks)

When lack of response: check adherence, rule out GI bleed -> evaluation for H.pylori infection / Celiac disease

Duration of Tx: until transferrin saturation normalizes (anemia improve in 6-8 weeks, replete iron store in 6 months)



Baseline PLT         

Stable / worsening

History of work-up: (causative meds, blood smear, LFT, HIV-Ab, HBs-Ag/Ab, HCV-Ab, VitB12, folate, abdominal US, ANA, LDH,..)                

Referral to hematologist : (-/+)         

Bone marrow aspiration / biopsy (-/+) (  /  /  )

Cause:  unknown / ________            

(DDx: ITP, liver disease, Myelodysplastic syndrome, HIV, medication, malignancy, vitamin B12/folate deficiency,…)

Reassess requirement of antiplatelet /NSAIDs

Activity restriction: PLT<50000 -> extreme athletics (boxing, rugby,..)




Family history:      at age of 

Smoking:     pack-year,  current smoker / quit in ____  

Occupational exposure: (-/+):


Cancer Screening

[Breast cancer]

Risk factor: BRCA1/BRCA2, family history (mother / sister), estrogen Tx, alcohol, menarche < 12 yo、menopause > 55 yo

Discussion regarding risk and benefit of screening:  

Patient desires screening:  yes / no

Mammography (40 or 50 yo to 10y prior to life-expectancy, every 2 years

Result (  /  /  )

Next  (  /  /  )   


[Cervical cancer]

Pap smear ( 21 – 64 yo, every 3 years, also 65 – 75 yo or longer for people with risk (abnormal pap smear, smoking, HPV-disease, new partner) or not adequately screened)

Result (  /  /  )

Next  (  /  /  )   


[Colorectal cancer]

Family history (-/+)      at age of

50 – 75 yo, colonoscopy every 10 years or sigmoidscopy every 5 years with FOBT every 3 years

Result (  /  /  )

Next  (  /  /  ) 


[Lung cancer]

Low-density helical CT (55 – 74 yo with > 30 pack-year, every year)   

Result (  /  /  )

Next  (  /  /  )     


[Prostate cancer]

Risk factor: family history (especially younger than 65 yo), African-American, gene

Discussion regarding risk and benefit

Patient desires screening:  yes / no

PSA/(DRE) (50 yo to 10 y prior to life-expectancy, every 2-4 years)

PSA:      (  /  /  )

Next  (  /  /  )        


Lung Nodule

Risk stratification

Family history of lung cancer (+/-) emphysema (+/-) in upper lobe (+/-) spiculation (+/-)

Attenuation: solid/subsolid/part-solid

Size:   mm,    number of nodule:

Risk: high/intermediate/low   

Chest CT (  /  /  ):


(Discontinue follow-up / follow-up CT in ____ / PET / sampling / resection)


Thyroid Nodule

Non-functional / Functional (TSH, radionuclide scan)

US:     cm

Echoic feature: hyper / hypo,

regularity:             vascularity:           calcification:        

FNA (-/+) (  /  /  ) Result:


(follow up US in 12-24mo, repeat FNA, thyroidectomy)



[Allergy / Autoimmune Disease]

<Allergic Rhinitis>


Frequency:  < 4 times/week   /  > 4 times/week

Severity: mild / moderate to severe (impairment of daily activity)

Hypersensitivity skin test: (-/+)(  /  /  )

(Indication for skin test: unclear diagnosis, refractory to Tx, coexisting persistent asthma and/or recurrent sinusitis/otitis,…)

Allergen avoidance (pollen, pet, dust, mites, mold, minimize reservoirs (carpets, and uncovered pillows or bedding)

Current meds:       (since   /  /  )


Medical treatment

Glucocorticoid nasal spray: (first choice)

fluticasone propionate (50mcg/spray) 2 sprays into each nostril once daily

(initiate at maximal dose-> taper to lowest effective dose)

Alternative or add-on

Anti-histamine nasal spray:  olopatadine 2 sprays into each nostril BID

Second generation oral anti-histamine: cetirizine 10mg daily,  loratadine 10mg daily

cromolyn nasal spray:  1 spray into each nostril 3-4 times a day (safe for children, less effective)

montelukast 10mg daily (concomitant asthma or nasal polyp)

Refractory to treatment

Subcutaneous immunotherapy / referral to allergy specialist

Indication: Sx upon natural exposure to the allergen + specific IgE (serum or skin) + uncontrolled / side effect of med / cost burden associated with chronic medication use

Duration of Tx: 3-5 years


Rheumatoid Arthritis

Date of diagnosis  (  /  /  )

History of treatment:

Current medications:     (  /  /  )      (  /  /  )

Disease activity:

Joint tenderness (shoulder  /  elbow /  wrist  /  MCP1  /  2  /  3  /  4  /  5  /  PIP2  /  3  /  4  /  5  /  IP /  knee  /  )

Joint swelling (shoulder  /  elbow /  wrist  /  MCP1  /  2  /  3  /  4  /  5  /  PIP2  /  3  /  4  /  5  /  IP /  knee  /  )

ESR        CRP        (  /  /  )

Functional capacity: (I) complete / (II) adequate for normal activities / (III) limited / (IV) Bedridden / wheelchair bound


Medication toxicity monitoring

HBs-Ag/Ab, HCV-Ab, TB, ophthalmology evaluation: at baseline

ROS: SOB, edema, tarry stool, hematuria, visual change

Labs: CBC, Cre, LFT every 8-12 weeks (initiation or dose increase: every 2 weeks for 3 months), HbA1c

Prophylaxis for osteoporosis

Vitamin D 800 units dailyCa supplement (require total 1200mg daily (diet + supplement)) (for all patients on any dose of glucocorticoid with an anticipated duration of ≥3 months)



Postmenopausal female with T score -1.0 to -2.5 or high risk male older than 50 yo (low bone mass, h/o fracture, hyperparathyroidism, androgen deprivation Tx, ..) (upon initiation of glucocorticoid regardless of dose or duration)

Postmenopausal female or male older than 50 yo who take prednisone 7.5mg or equivalent more than 3 months

Rheumatologist ______




BMI         (  /  /  ) 

Swallow evaluation (  /  /  ) 

Target daily nutrition:     kcal   protein     Na      K      phosphate

Nutrition teaching (  /  /  ) 

Diet modification:  diet:           liquid:

Supplemental nutrition

Fluid restriction:

Tube feeding: Type:          kcal/day,  water bolus    ml x   times/day,   Total fluid  L/day



[Code Status]

Resuscitation:  okay / do not

Intubation:  okay / do not

Non-invasive ventilation:  okay / do not

Hemodialysis:  okay / do not

Tube feeding:  okay / do not

IV hydration: okay / do not

Blood transfusion:  okay / do not

Transfer to hospital:  okay / do not

Healthcare proxy (-/+):             Relationship           TEL




(1) Aspirin and extended-release dipyridamole versus clopidogrel for recurrent stroke.

Sacco RL,  N Engl J Med. 2008;359(12):1238.

(2) A randomised, blinded, trial of clopidogrel versus aspirin in patients at risk of ischaemic events (CAPRIE). CAPRIE Steering Committee.  Lancet. 1996;348(9038):1329.

(3) Guidelines for the prevention of stroke in patients with stroke and transient ischemic attack: a guideline for healthcare professionals from the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association.

Kernan WN, Stroke. 2014;45(7):2160

(4) A Randomized Trial of Intensive versus Standard Blood-Pressure Control.

SPRINT Research Group,   N Engl J Med. 2015;373(22):2103.

(5) 2013 ACCF/AHA guideline for the management of heart failure: executive summary: a report of the American College of Cardiology Foundation/American Heart Association Task Force on practice guidelines.

Yancy CW,  Circulation. 2013;128(16):1810.

(6) A randomized trial comparing lung-volume-reduction surgery with medical therapy for severe emphysema.

Fishman A,  N Engl J Med. 2003;348(21):2059.

(7) Management of varices and variceal hemorrhage in cirrhosis.

Garcia-Tsao G, Bosch J   N Engl J Med. 2010;362(9):823.

(8) STANDARDS OF MEDICAL CARE IN DIABETES 2016 (American Diabetes Association)

(9) W.H.O. cooperative trial on primary prevention of ischaemic heart disease using clofibrate to lower serum cholesterol: mortality follow-up. Report of the Committee of Principal Investigators.   Lancet. 1980;2(8191):379.

(10) Fifteen year mortality in Coronary Drug Project patients: long-term benefit with niacin.

Canner PL,  J Am Coll Cardiol. 1986;8(6):1245.

(11) Effects of long-term fenofibrate therapy on cardiovascular events in 9795 people with type 2 diabetes mellitus (the FIELD study): randomised controlled trial.

Keech A,  Lancet. 2005;366(9500):1849.





外来サマリーを BY SYSTEM で書いてみたら

   年  月より当院フォローの  歳  性 



心筋梗塞 20~年 DES留置  〇〇病院循環器科通院中

鬱血性心不全  EF40% 


COPD  在宅酸素療法2L/min  

鬱病 ◇◇クリニック通院中

2型糖尿病 199~年診断



慢性腰痛/脊柱管狭窄症 〇〇整形外科通院中 



大腿骨頸部骨折にて人工骨頭置換術 20~年~月



脳梗塞にて〇〇病院入院、tPA治療後、軽度の片麻痺残存しリハビリ病院に転院 20~年~月

HCAPにて△△病院に一般病棟に入院、抗生剤治療され退院  20~年~月

心筋梗塞にて〇〇病院入院、RCAにDES留置 20~年~月

心不全急性増悪にて〇〇病院ICUに入院、noninvasive ventilatorにて治療  20~年~月







整形外科:オキシコドン5mg 6時間毎疼痛時、・・・

精神科:シタロプラム 20mg 1日1回、・・・



メトプロロール 25mg → 50mg:HR上昇にて( 年 月 日)


リシノプリル:咳嗽にて( 年 月 日)

クロピドグレル:DES留置後1年間投与後、消化管出血も認めたため( 年 月 日)

スピロノラクトン:カリウム上昇にて( 年 月 日)

ワーファリン:INR不安定にて肺血栓塞栓症を再発したため( 年 月 日)


ロサルタン 50mg 1日1回( 年 月 日)

アピキサバン 5mg 1日2回( 年 月 日)


薬剤 adherence:良・不良     介入:




ペニシリン:掻痒感 (セフトリアキソン・メロペネム投与にて症状認めず)

アトロバスタチン:筋痛, CPK上昇

NSAIDs:胃潰瘍 + 輸血





介護保険    級(   年認定)

ケアマネージャー         TEL

訪問看護 なし/あり   週  回 看護内容:

訪問理学療法 なし/あり 週  回 療法内容:

デイケア利用 なし/あり 週  回 ケア内容:

HOME AID SERVICE  なし/あり  食事・洗濯・掃除・買い物

住居:一戸建て/アパートメント/elderly home/nursing home/    

  階に居住   階段あり  段  エレベーターあり・なし   階で就寝

エアコン なし/あり


家族・親族 なし/あり:疎遠・密    在住地

Contact person:       関係    会う頻度  回/月  TEL

同居人:独居/      :一日で一人になる時間帯


歩行: 不可/可  自立・杖・歩行器

車椅子: 使用なし・あり



食事摂取: 自立/半介助/全介助

調理:本人/         買い物:本人/


Exercise capacity:  4METS 以上・以下

(climb up a flight of stairs, walk up hill, perform heavy work around house)



運動:種類      時間/回     回/週

タバコ -/+  1日  箱 ×    年   pack-year    年より禁煙

アルコール -/機会飲酒/    種類  1日量    回/週   

ドラッグ- -/+ 種類     投与経路      更生施設利用歴 



心筋梗塞:父  歳

大腸癌:父   歳






見当識  人・日・月・年・場所・大統領    (  年 月評価)

意思疎通 良・やや難・yes / no のみ・不可   (  年 月評価)

Cranial nerve (   年 月評価)

Extraocular movement    direct pupillary light reflex

Facial sensation    jaw opening     bite strength

Eyebrow raise     eyelid close   smile   frown    pucker 

Palate elevation   lateral head rotation  shoulder shrug  Tongue protrusion

Muscle strength (右/左 out of 5)

Shoulder abduction   / elbow flexion   / elbow extension   /   wrist extension   / wrist flexion   /

Hip flexion /    hip adduction   /   knee extension   /    knee flexion    /    foot dorsiflexion  /    foot plantar flexion  /

Sensation (to soft touch: 右/左) 

Shoulder (C4)  /  Lateral arm (C5)  /  thumb (C6)  /  middle finger (C7)  /  small finger (C8)  /  medial arm (T1)  /  nipple (T4)  /  umbilicus (T10)  /

Below inguinal ligament (L1)  /  middle thigh (L2)  /  lower thigh (L3)  /  medial foot (L4)  / dorsal foot (L5)  /  lateral foot (S1)  /



頭部CT -/+   年 月:         

頭部MRI -/+   年 月:         

頭部MRA -/+   年 月:         

頸部MRA -/+   年 月:        

頸動脈エコー -/+  年 月:        



発症   年     塞栓 / アテローム性 / ラクナ /


抗凝固療法: -/+     1日 回  投与なしの理由:

抗血小板剤: -/+      1日 回   投与なしの理由:

(クロピドグレル75mg 1日1回 or アスピリン25mg+ジピリダモール200mg 1日2回 or アスピリン 81-325mg1日1回,

予防効果: clopidogrel ≒ ASA+dipyridamol > ASA,  薬価: ASA+dipyridamol > clopidogrel > ASA)

Baseline 血圧      /     mmHg     Target 血圧 140/90 or 130/ (recent lucunar stroke)

降圧剤    mg 1日 回 +

(ACEI / ARB (第一選択) ± long-acting dihydropyridine CCB or diuretic (AHA/ASA recommends adding diuretic to ACEI/ARB))

スタチン:                 mg 1日1回           Target LDL: なし

(high intensity statin Tx: atorvastatin 40-80mg1日1回, rosuvastatin 20-40mg 1日1回  or  low-moderate intensity statin Tx if not tolerate high intensity Tx)



Primary / Secondary:

発作歴                                         Seizure free interval

脳波 (  年 月)


治療薬:                   (  年 月から)       

Adherence 良 / 不良       血中濃度    (  月 日)

Side effect:    

phenytoin (dizziness, D), carbamazepien (aplastic anemia, leukopenia, D), valproic acid (elevated NH3, hepatotoxicity, D), ethosuximide (bone marrow supression, D), gabapentin (GI, D), lamotrigine (headache, tremor), leviteracitam (GI, D), oxcarbazepine (hypoNa, D), topiramate (mood problem, kidney stone), zonisamide (kidney stone)     

(*) D: drowsiness

Driving restriction +/-             職業:

葉酸 0.8mg 1日1回 (4mg/日 if on valproate / carbamazepine) for childbaering age



<Parkinson disease>

発症   年       診断    年 月

Brain MRI (  年 月)    起因薬剤の有無確認


治療薬:    (  年 月から)     side effect:

Speech: 良 / やや難 / 難 / 不可,   嚥下: 良 / やや難 / 難 / 不可 

震戦: なし / 軽 / 重, bradykinesia: なし / 軽 / 重,  rigidity: なし / 軽 / 重 

歩行: 良 / やや難 / 難 / 不可, 着替え: 良 / やや難 / 難 / 不可,   転倒:なし / 時々 / 頻繁

Non-motor Sx: 認知機能低下-/+, psychosis -/+, mood disorder-/+

Autonomic dysfunction: 起立性低血圧-/+,  便秘-/+,  排尿障害-/+




Mini-mental state exam      /30 点 (  年 月) cut-off <24, advanced (<17)    severe (<10)

Evaluation for reversible / treatable cause:

VitB12, ESR, TSH, RPR, Head CT/MRI, eval for ETOH abuse, screen for depression

For selected patient:

ANA, ANCA, CSF(TB, cryptococcus, cytology, ・・), HIV, paraneoplastic Ab, heavy metal screen, ・・・


治療薬:     (  年 月から)  side effect

Decision making capacity 評価:       (  年 月)

介入:  独居, 代理人なし, 調理, 運転, 金銭管理, 徘徊・Lost



発作   回/月   disability: 軽 / 中 / 重     

Neurological symptoms: -/+:

頭部CT/MRI -/+:

急性期治療薬(通常):                    効果:

Life-style modification: 睡眠 / regular meal / 誘因除去

予防薬:                (  月 日から)

Indication: >4回/月, 12h以上持続, 急性期治療失敗・禁忌・副作用, menstrual migraine, 他

(metoprolol, amitriptyline (for insomnia,depression), valproate (for seizure), topiramate (for obesity))



心雑音(-/+:    at             )   Chronic leg edema (-/+) 

Baseline BP               Baseline HR             Baseline rhythm SR/Afib/pacer

心電図 (  年 月)  rhythm   HR    axis    PR    QRS   QTc    ST-T

心エコー (  年 月) LVEF   diastolic Fx    valve     Pulmonary artery systolic pressure    RV Fx 

ペースメーカー  -/+:  年 月設置 種類:      理由:      

ICD -/+:   年 月設置 Primary prevention/Secondary prevention

Cardiac stress test:  年 月 種類:         結果            

Coronary angiography:   年 月 結果               

Coronary intervention:CABG (   年 月)  DES (   年 月)   BMS (   年 月)

心臓弁置換術: -/+    年 月   弁の種類:       

Ankle-brachial index (  年 月):          (0.9-1.3: normal, 0.4-0.9: a/w claudication, <0.4: multilevel diesese)

Cardiovascular Risk: (Framingham 10 year risk)          % (  年 月)

腹部US (  年 月) (Screening for AAA, x 1回  喫煙歴のある 65 - 75 歳男性)



Baseline BP                Target BP            (manual測定)

Target BP

<125-130/90> SPRINT study に類似するpopulation

(DM/stroke/symptomatic HFの既往のない50歳以上のnursing homeに入所してない人で以下のうち1つ以上のriskがある場合: 75歳以上 / CAD / PAD / ABI<0.9 / CA calcification / LVH / GFR 20-59 / 10y CV risk > 15%)

<130/80> proteinuric CKD/糖尿病

<140/90> 脳梗塞/Others

<150/  > 80歳以上 if 140/ not achievable

(Diastolic blood pressure no less than 65mmHg or at least 60mmHg for elderly patient -> increase CV risk)

治療薬:        ( 年 月 日から)     ( 年 月 日から)     ( 年 月 日から) 

単剤治療 (Target BPより20/10mmHg以内):

ACEI/ARB (若年) or long-acting dihydropyridine CCB (高齢) or thiazide (骨粗鬆症あり, 痛風 / 低Naなし)

(中等量でTarget BP達成できない時は最大量に増やさず、他の薬剤に変更)

2剤治療 (Target BPより20/10mmHg以上):

ACEI/ARB + long-acting dihydropyridine CCB

(Target BP達成できない時は他剤適宜追加)


Indication: 30歳以下, 治療抵抗性, 示唆する所見, 突然の血圧上昇,・・・

評価 (適宜): adherence, 家庭血圧, 測定技術, 食事, 起因薬剤, polysomnography, duplex doppler US, plasma renin activity / plasma renin concentration, dexamethasone suppression test, 24h urine fractionated CA/metanephrine




LVEF      % ( 年 月) diastolic Fx        RV function


NYHA:      (I: no limit, II: climb more than 1 flight of stairs, not jog, III: climb only 1 flight, IV:Sx at rest)

急性増悪による入院  回/年

現在の体重       kg (  年 月 日)       目標体重        kg     Baseline proBNP


Life-style modification: 塩分制限2-3g/day, 水分制限1.5-2L/day(低Naの時), 体重測定毎日, adherence

利尿剤:               mg 1日   回

furosemide 20-40mg (max single dose: 160-200 (max 600mg/day)), torsemide 5-10mg (max single dose: 100mg (max 200mg/day)), bumetanide 0.5-1.0mg (max single dose 5mg (max 10mg/day))

BB:                    mg 1日   回

carvedilol 3.125mg1日2回 titrate to 25mg1日2回, metoprolol 12.5mg/day titrate to 200mg/day

ACEI/ARB:           mg 1日   回

lisinopril 5mg/day, titrate to 20mg/day, valsartan 20mg 1日2回 titrate to 160mg1日2回

Mineralcorticoid receptor antagonist:              mg 1日   回

EF<30%+NYHAII or EF<35% +NYHAIII/IV -> spironolactone 12.5 - 25mg/day, titrate to 50mg/day

Hydralazine + Nitrate:           mg 1日   回 +            mg 1日   回

African-american (or any ethnicity) with EF<40% and persistent NYHAIII/IV with meds above

Hydralazine 25mg1日3回 + isosorbide dinitrate 20mg1日3回 titrate to hydralazine 75mg x 3 + isosorbide dinitrate 40mg x 3 (or isosorbide mononitrate 40mg->100mg/day)

ジゴキシン:                    mg 1日1回 

NYHAII-IV despite appropriate Tx,  digoxin 0.125mg/day, target 血中濃度 0.5-0.8ng/ml


Secondary prevention  or

EF<35% and NYHAII-III, ischemic cardiomyopathy with EF<30% and NYHAI

(Biventricular pacing with ICD: EF<35% and NYHAIII-IV and QRS>120)

Cardiac resynchronization Tx:

SR and EF<35% and QRS>150 and non-LBBB or LBBB and NYHAIII/IV despite optimal Tx


Diastolic dysfunction:  mild/moderate/severe

Tx: control HTN, volume control, maintenance of sinus rhythm, coronary revascularization as needed



Chronic / Paroxysmal

症状: なし / 軽度 / 中等~重度

Baseline HR            Target HR  80 (symptomatic) / 110 (asymptomatic)             

Rate control 薬:     

Algorithm: BB or CCB or digoxin (for HFrEF)ー>BB or/+ CCB + digoxin ー>ablation or amiodarone

(BB: atenolol 25-100mg/day, metoprolol 50-200mg/day, CCB: verapamil 120-360mg/day, diltiazem 120-360mg/day, digoxin 0.125-0.25mg/day)

CHA2DS2-VASc       点   

抗凝固療法薬:                / 投与していな理由:                       





Dx:            年 月

Stress test:  年 月

CAG / intervention:   年 月

労作時 胸痛 / 呼吸困難感 -/+    安定/悪化


Antiplatelet Tx: Aspirin: 81 - 325mg/day or clopidogrel 75mg (allegic to ASA)

Anti-anginal Tx: BB (or/+ CCB) ± long-acting nitrate -> revascularization

(BB: atenolol, metoprolol, CCB: amlodipine, felodipine, Nitrate: isosorbide dinitrate / mononitrate, transderm NTG)

ACEI/ARB: (HTN / DM / CKD / EF<40%)


At least moderate intensity Tx: lovastatin / pravastatin / simvastatin 40mg, atorvastatin 10-20mg,  rosuvastatin 5-10mg

High risk: high-intensity Tx: atorvastatin 40-80mg, rosuvastatin 20-40mg

Management: 減量, 禁煙, DM, HTN, HL, anemia, hypoxia, hyperthyroidism, stress


<Peripheral artery disease>

症状: なし / 間欠的跛行 / 安静時痛 / non-healing ulcer / gangrene

身体所見: color / pulse / ulcer / sensation / motor

Wave doppler: femoral  /  popliteal  /  anterior tibial  /  posterior tibial  /

ABI:       (  年 月)

CTA / angiography (  年 月):

Risk management:  aspirin 81mg or clopidogrel 75mg, 禁煙, DM, HTN, HL





Chronically wheezing (-/+) Chronically distant lung sound (-/+)

胸部X-ray (  年 月)

呼吸機能検査(  年 月)

胸部CT(  年 月)

ABG on RA/   L  

喫煙       pack-year  年から禁煙/喫煙中    禁煙に興味なし/あり Attempt with / without meds:



%Predicted FEV1                    FEV1     L

GOLD stage           (1: %PreFEV1>80,  2: 50-80,  3: 30-50,  4: <30)

Baseline CO2


急性増悪   回/年    入院  回/年

治療薬:     (  年 月から)     (  年 月から)     (  年 月から)

Short-acting bronchodilator (all patient)

Albuterol 90mcg 2 puff 4-6時間毎必要時  or  Ipratropium 2 puff 4時間毎必要時

Long-acting bronchodilator (どちらかから開始ー>両方)

LA anticholinergic: tiotropium 18mcg inhale 1日1回

LABA: salmeterol 1 inhale 1日2回, formoterol 12mcg 1日2回

Inhaled glucocorticoid (LA bronchodilatorに追加, stage 3/4)

Fluticasone 100/250/500mcg1日2回   Budesonide 100/200/400mcg1日2回


Theophylline 300-600mg/day

PDE4 inhibitor: roflumilast 500mcg 1日1回 (decrease inflammation -> potentially reduce exacerbation)

Management: 酸素投与, 禁煙, ワクチン, リハビリテーション, 手術, terminal care

在宅酸素 (  年から)    安静時   L/min  労作時   L/min

(Lung volume reduction surgery: benefit for upper lobe emphysema and low exercise capacity)



症状: intermittent (<2/週) / mild persistent (>2/週) /moderate persistent (毎日) / severe persistent (1日中)

急性増悪  回/年       入院・挿管歴 

PFT (  年 月)

Peak flow (personal best)   

治療薬:       (  年 月から)     (  年 月から)     (  年 月から)

Short-acting bronchodilator (all patient)

Albuterol 90mcg 2 puff 4-6時間毎必要時 

Inhaled glucocorticoid

Fluticasone 100/250/500mcg1日2回, budesonide 100/200/400mcg1日2回

Long-acting bronchodilator

LABA: salmeterol 1 inhale 1日2回, formoterol 12mcg 1日2回

Adjusting controller Tx (LABA + high dose IGでcontrol不良の時)

Leukotriene receptor antagonist: montelukast 10mg1日1回

Theophylline 300-600mg/day

Anticholinergic bronchodilator: tiotropium 18mcg inhale 1日1回

Anti-IgE Tx (IgE 30-700IU/ml, positive allergen test)

Systemic steroid: (uncontrolled despite other meds -> lowest dose and shortest course as possible)

Control trigger: allergen (ペット, dust, 花粉, ・・), 煙草, 鼻炎, GERD, 薬



PE / DVT  x    回 (  年,       年,       ) 

誘因 +/-  

抗凝固療法 -/+:          投与期間

Pulmonary HTN -/+

Hypercoagulable state 評価適応 なし/あり:  未/済  結果:  

IVC Filter:        (  年 月留置)     (  年 月除去・未)

抗凝固療法継続の再評価: 転倒リスク, 出血リスク, 悪性疾患, QOL, 患者の希望



Polysomnography (  年 月) 

Baseline SpO2    minimum SpO2   Total AHI     (obstructive AHI    central AHI    )

Apnea Hypopnea Index: mild (5-15)   moderate (15-30)   severe (>30)

Modification: 減量,  アルコール・sedative med避ける, non-spine position

CPAP/BPAP設定                          adherence: 良・不良:  介入      

症状control: 眠気+/-, 集中力低下+/-, 倦怠感+/-, 頭痛+/-




上部消化管内視鏡 (  年 月)

下部消化管内視鏡 (  年 月)

腹部エコー (  年 月)

腹部CT (  年 月)

上部消化管出血 (  月 日) 原因

下部消化管出血 (  月 日) 原因



症状: 頻度: <2回/週 / >2回/週,   強さ: mild / severe 

治療     mg 1日 回      年 月 日から

症状軽度・低頻度: famotidine 10mg1日2回ー>20mg1日2回 (at least 2weeks)ー>pantoprazole 20mg/dayー>pantoprazole 40mg/day (step up Tx if not control)

症状重度・高頻度: pantoprazole 40mg/day

症状コントロールできれば薬剤中止 (Tx continued for 8 weeks)

Indication for maintenance PPI Tx: Barret 食道 / severe erosive esophagitis (standard dose or higher), recurrent GERD after discontinuation of Tx (lowest effective dose)

上部消化管内視鏡 (  年 月 日):

Indication: PPI standard dose x 4-8 weeks に反応しない, alarm feature (嚥下障害, 嚥下痛, 吐血, 貧血, 体重減少, 繰り返す嘔吐), screen for Barrett食道 (chronic GERD, hiatal hernia, 50歳以上, 男性, 肥満)



H.pylori-positive ulcer / NSAIDs-induced ulcer / Non-H.pylori-Non-NSAIDs ulcer


診断 (  月 日):

フォローアップ内視鏡  -/+ (  月 日):


PPI 投与期間: (pantoprazole 20-40mg/day)

H.pylori positive ulcer:

Uncomplicated duodenal ulcer: 2 weeks, complicated duodenal ulcer: 4-8 weeks, gastric ulcer: 8-12 weeks

NSAIDs-induced ulcer: at least 8 weeks

Non-H.pylori/Non-NSAIDs ulcer: long-term

Maintenance PPI Tx: pantoprazole 20-40mg/day

(Maintenance Tx for high risk group: ulcer >2cm + 50歳以上, non-H.pylori/non-NSAIDs ulcer, refractory / frequent ulcer, failure to Tx of H.pylori, continued NSAIDs)

H.pylori 治療: 未/済

H.pylori 根治確認:       年  月 




Child-Pugh                MELD score         (    月 日)

Management: ワクチン (HAV/HBV), 薬剤投与量調整, アルコール中止, 合併症フォロー

静脈瘤 -/+

上部消化管内視鏡   年 月:


Endoscopic screening: 静脈瘤なし:2-3年毎, Small varices:1-2年毎, Decompensated cirrhosis:毎年

Beta blocker: nadolol 40mg, titrate to achieve resting HR of 55-60/min

(BBはprimaryとsecondary preventionの両方で代償性・非代償性肝硬変の両方に投与するが、非代償性肝硬変では特に副作用が出た場合は速やかに中止する)

腹水 -/+

2 gram減塩食, 水分制限(Na<125の時)

利尿剤: spironolactone 100-400mg + furosemide 40-160mg/day

腹水穿刺 ± Albumin 投与 6-8 gram/L of fluid removal (5L 以上穿刺する時に投与)

Monitor: 腎機能, 意識レベル

Recurrent hepatic encephalopathy -/+

Lactulose 30ml 3-4回/日 ー>軟便2-3回/日に調整

Rifaximin 550mg1日2回 (必要時 lactuloseに追加)

経口分岐鎖アミノ酸製剤 (lactulose / rifaximin抵抗性, protein-intolerant)

Hepatocellular carcinoma -/+

Screening (原因によらずすべての肝硬変患者): 腹部US  6か月毎     年 月

診断:    年 月




Baseline Cre    (  年 月)

尿一般沈渣 (  年 月) 蛋白-/  + 潜血-/  +   RBC     Cast

Urine protein (albumin) (mg/dl) - Urine creatinine (mg/dl) ratio (≒ g/day) (   年 月)

(Proteinuria:150mg/day以上, moderately increased albuminuria: 30-300mg/day, severely increased albuminuria: >300mg/day)

腎エコー (   年 月)

尿路カテーテル(-/+:種類          原因        最終交換日       )


<Chronic Kidney Disease>

Stage    (GFR: 1:>90,  2: 60-89,  3: 30-59,  4: 15-29,  5: <15)

原因          タンパク尿-/+  糖尿病-/+


Baseline 血圧     治療薬:

糖尿病性腎症 or proteinuric CKD: 目標血圧 130/80 

-> ①ACEI or ARB ± ②ループ利尿剤 ± ③nondihydropyridine CCB or dihydropyridine CCB(if already on BB)

Nondiabetic and nonproteinuric CKD: 目標血圧 140/90 or 125-130/90 (50歳以上+high CVD risk)

-> ループ利尿剤(if edema) ± ACEI or ARB ± CCB


HbA1c        (  月 日)      Target HbA1c 7 or 8 (elederly)


HCO3          (  月 日)

Goal: HCO3>23,  重炭酸ナトリウム 0.5-1.0mEq/kg/day 分3

Fluid volume

浮腫 +/-    refractory HTN +/-

Clinical volume overload or subclinical overload (refractory HTN) ー>ループ利尿剤


K     ( 年 月)

食事制限, 原因薬剤中止, 利尿剤ー>ACEI/ARB減量ー>中止 (if K>5.5)


Hb      (  月 日)        

Target Hb 10.0 - 11.5 (For predialysis patient)

他の原因精査:未/済,   transferin saturation     %   ferritin         年 月

鉄剤治療: ferrous sulfate 325mg1日3回 or IV  (transferin saturation<30(20)%, ferritin<500(100)の時開始)

エリスロポエチン治療:initial 10000u SC weekly (Indication: Hb<10, iron deficiency corrected, no h/o stroke or active malignancy)    


Intact PTH:     corrected Ca:      phos:       25(OH) D       (  年 月 日) 

Target: intact PTH / Ca / phos in normal range

①リン摂取制限<900mg/day ->

② phosphate binder:calcium gluconate 1000mg/日(低Caの時) or sevelamer 800mg 1日3回(高Caの時) + ergocalciferol 50000u weekly if 25(OH)D < 30 ->

③ active oral vitD derivative (calcitriol, alfacalcidol, doxercalciferol, paricalcitol) (only if corrected Ca<9.5 and phos not elevated, then discontinue ergocalciferol) ->

(④ cinacalcet 30mg/day)

脂質異常症 スタチン+/-




腎臓内科受診 (when GFR<30), Discussion, AV fistula作成 / AV graft作成 / tunneled catheter 留置 / 腹膜透析catheter 留置, 腎移植準備, vaccine (HBV, 肺炎球菌)

AV fistula (  年 月作成)    AV graft (  年 月設置) 静脈留置カテーテル (  年 月留置)   腹膜透析catheter (  年 月留置)

人工透析・腹膜透析     年 月から    施行日  曜/  曜/  曜/  /

透析施行施設       TEL            腎臓内科医         

Dry weight       



過去培養結果: MRSA-/+:      緑膿菌-/+:  ESBL-/+:     他:

Healthcare-associated:HD中、IV chemotherapy中、nursing home/long-term care facility在住


Screening for all patients 13-75歳,  未/済 (  年 月)

診断    年 月                感染経路:     

HIV-RNA / viral load          ( 年 月)  CD4      ( 年 月) 

ART治療歴:なし/あり:                    年 月~     adherence 良 / 不良    side effect     

日和見感染予防薬:TMP-SMX / azithromycin /   


ROS / Physical Exam (感染,皮膚,眼,口,神経/認知,消化器,循環器,呼吸器,腎/泌尿, 悪性疾患,代謝, ・・)

Cancer: anal pap smear (毎年)  (with age-appropriate other cancer screening)  年 月


Syphilis serology, chlamydia/gonorrhea PCR, trichomonas:  毎年 (sexually activeの時)  年 月

TB, HAV, HBV: at baseline               年 月

HCV: at baseline + 毎年 (IV drug abuse, MSMの時)    年 月

Ophthalmology evaluation: CD4 < 50の時, 6-12か月毎   年 月

Medication toxicity

CBC, BUN, Cre, AST, ALT, T-bil, UA: 6か月毎     年 月

Vaccine: generally the same recommendation with immunocompetent except for when CD4 < 200, live vaccine is not recommneded at that time




HBs-Ag -/+  HBs-Ab -/+         年 月

Screening: 全てのアジア人(+ 他), sexual contact to HBsAg陽性患者, IV drug abuse, MSM, chronically elevated AST/ALT, HCV/HIV感染者, 透析患者, 妊婦, 免疫抑制剤投与時

Work-up: CBC, INR, LFT, HBsAg/Ab, HBeAg/Ab, HBV-DNA, HIV, HCV, HAV-IgG   年 月

HBeAg+/-  HBV-DNA      int unit/ml    ALT        肝生検 no / mild / moderate / advanced fibrosis      


(治療: typically indicated for evidence of fibrosis (even decompensated cirrhosis) ± high HBV-DNA>2000 / ALT>2xULN)

治療薬剤:              年 月から

治療期間: 通常4-5年以上 (seroconversionしてから少なくとも1年以上継続, life-long Tx for cirrhosis)

Hepatocellular carcinoma screening: 腹部US 6か月毎    年 月

(cirrhosis/cirrhotic hepatitis/HB carrier with risk (asian male>40歳, asian female>50歳, HCC家族歴, African-american))

感染症内科 or 消化器内科



HCV-Ab -/+    月 日

Screening: sexual contact to HCV陽性患者, IV drug abuse, child born to HCV mother, chronically elevated ALT, HBV/HIV感染者, 透析患者, 血液製剤輸血歴(clotting factor befoer 1987, blood before 1992)

Work-up: CBC, INR, LFT, HBsAg/Ab, HIV, HAV-IgG, HCV-RNA           年 月 

Risk management: アルコール, 喫煙, 肥満, マリファナ (all promote fibrosis)

(Coffee > 2cups/day reduced risk of hospitalization and mortality)

倦怠感: ondansetron 4mg 1日2回 (long-term use -> risk for constipation, arrhythmia)


治療: (decompensated cirrhosis も含め全ての患者で検討)

治療前評価: HCV genotype, Fibrosis stage (AST to Platelet ratio / direct marker of fibrosis / 腹部US), 治療歴

治療期間: 通常12-24週間

Hepatocellular carcinoma screening: 腹部US 6か月毎  (for cirrhosis)

感染症内科 or 消化器内科



Tetanus / diphtheria (every 10 years)  最終   年       次回    年

肺炎球菌 (65歳以上, 19-64歳 with risk factor: chronic heart/lung/liver/kidney disease, smoking, alcoholism, DM, immunocompromised,・・)     年 (Booster x1 required for people who received before 65歳(5年あけて))

HPV ( x 1回: 9-26歳女性, 9-21歳男性 (up to 26歳 MSM))  +/-

Influenza (毎年) 済(  年 月)/未

HBV (on HD, IV drug user, healthcare worker, chronic liver disease, DM < 60歳, ・・)  +/-

Zoster ( x 1回:  60歳以上)  +/-




1型/2型    年診断

HbA1c     年 月  (3-6か月毎)   Target HbA1c  

Target HbA1c 7 (most patient),  8 (高齢者),  6 (T1DM, 妊婦)

Urinary Albumin-to-Creatinine ratio (mg/dl/g/dl) (≒mg/day)      年 月 (毎年)

(Moderately increased albuminuria: 30-300mg/day, Severely increased albuminuria: >300mg/day)

ACEI開始 (albminuria > 30mg/day × 2回以上認めた時, 血圧にかかわらず(血圧正常患者でのデータは限られているが))


Baseline 血圧:          Target 血圧 130/80

(①ACEI/ARB ± ②long-acting dihydropyridine CCB ± ループ利尿剤 (for 腎不全) ± carvedilol (if BB given))


LDL       月 日  Target LDL なし (100以下(no overt CVD) / 70以下(overt CVD))

Indication: 40歳以上の全てのDM患者 (LDL, risk factorにかかわらず) -> moderate or high intensity statin Tx

あるいは40歳以下でCVD既往、あるいはCVD riskのDM患者(LDL>100, HTN, obesity)

アスピリン: ASA 81mg/day

Indication: Secondary prevention/Primary prevention: cardiovascular risk 10 year risk > 10% (男性あるいは50歳以上の女性で次の riskが一つ以上ある時: 喫煙, HTN, 肥満, アルブミン尿, HL, CHD家族歴)

Foot examination / neuropathy       年 月 (毎年)

眼科受診:   年 月 (毎年) 

心電図 (at basline, 50歳以上) 

ワクチン: HBV(済/未), 肺炎球菌 (未/済 歳時, 65歳以降に1回追加(5年あけて)), インフルエンザ

Management: 禁煙, 運動, 減量, 栄養指導

Childbearing female: check hCG if miss MP-> discontinue statin/ACEI/ARB if positive

治療薬: insulin                             経口薬           

Adherence 良・不良       低血糖

薬剤治療 (T2DM)

診断時に開始 (with lifestyle intervention)

metformin 500mg 1日2回で開始 (第一選択薬) (1 - 2ヵ月で2000-2500mg/dayにtitrate)

(glucose > 300-350, HbA1c>10の時は insulin治療 (with /without additional Tx) 早期導入を検討)

ー>3か月でTarget HbA1cを達成できない時


metformin + SU  or  TZD  or  DPP4  or  GLP1RA  or  SGLT2I  or  Basal insulin

ー>3か月でTarget HbA1cを達成できない時

3剤治療 or insulin 治療

metformin + 2剤 (SUとinsulin, GLP1RAとDDP4, GLP1RAとSGLT2は通常併用せず、それ以外の組み合わせ可)

ー>Target HbA1cを達成できない時

Insulin治療に変更 (SU, DPP4, GLP1RAは通常中止, それ以外の経口剤は継続)


SU: glipizide 5mg 1日1回 (効果:高, 低血糖リスク:中, 薬価:低, 副作用:低血糖)

TZD: pioglitazone 15mg 1日1回 (効果:高, 低血糖リスク:低, 薬価:低, 副作用:心不全)

DDP4: sitagliptin 100mg 1日1回 (効果:中, 低血糖リスク:低, 薬価:高, 副作用:稀)

SGLT2I: canagliflozin 100mg 1日1回 (効果:中, 低血糖リスク:低, 薬価:高, 副作用:GU)

GLP1RA: exenatide 5mcg 1日2回 (効果:高, 低血糖リスク:低, 薬価:高, 副作用:GI)

(Meglitinide (repaglinide): may be used instead of SU in patient with irregular meal or late postprandial hypoglycemia)

(alfa-glucosidase I, pramlintide, bromocriptine: may be tried in specific situations, but generally not favored due to modest efficacy, frequency of administration, or side effect)

T1DM: 糖尿病内科医フォロー



TG   T-chol  LDL    HDL  (         月    日)

治療薬        (primary / secondary prevention)

Secondary prevention (known conorany heart disease or other cardiovascular disease)

急性冠症候群: -> atorvastatin 80mg1日1回

High risk group: (CHD or equivalent: MI, angina, stroke, TIA, PAD, 10y CVD risk>20%, GFR<45)

-> high-intensity Tx:  (atorvastatin 40-80mg, rosuvastatin 20-40mg)

Very high risk group (CHD + multiple risk factor (especially DM) or severe and poor controlled risk factor (especially current smoker) or (TG>200 + LDL>130 + HDL<40) or ACS

-> maximize statin ± second LDL-lowering agent

(second LDL-lowering agent: niacin or ezetimibe)

Primary prevention (without cardiovascular disease)

Framingham 10 year risk of cardiovascular disease      %

(statin reduce relative risk by 20-30%-> absolute risk reduction    %)

Absolute risk reductionに基づいて予防投与を決定した場合 ->  Moderate intensity Tx:

(lovastatin / pravastatin / simvastatin 40mg, atorvastatin 10-20mg,  rosuvastatin 5-10mg)

(ACC/AHA 2013 guideline redommends statin Tx as primary prevention for those: LDL > 190 or diabetic Pt > 40 yo or 10 years risk > 7.5%)

(primary preventionにおいてスタチンを投与できない時は他の薬剤を投与しない-> life modification ± ASA)(TG>500の時は膵炎予防のためfibrate投与可)



Screening: 示唆する症状・所見, 検査値異常(貧血,低Na,CPK,脂質異常,・・), thyroid injury, autoimmune thyroiditis, central hypothyroidismの可能性ある時


TSH       FT4      T3     (  年 月)  Target TSH: normal range (lower half of normal range if still symptomatic)

TSH 1年に1回確認 (投与量変更時は6週間後)

治療薬:                 年 月 日から    

Levothyroxin 開始量 50mcg / 25mcg (高齢者)

(Subclinical hypothyroidism治療開始基準: TSH>10, TSH 4.5-10かつsymptomatic or positive TPO-Ab, 妊婦)

症状コントロール: 倦怠感+/-, 便秘+/-, cold intolerance+/-, 皮膚乾燥+/-, 浮腫+/-, 抑うつ+/-



Risk: 骨折歴, ステロイド使用, 低体重, 喫煙中, アルコール多飲, 関節リウマチ

Screening: 65歳以上の全女性, riskのある65歳以下の閉経後女性, riskのある男性 (low bone mass, h/o fracture, 副甲状腺機能亢進症, androgen deprivation Tx, ・・)

DXA: hip/(spine) 

T: -2 to -2.5 or ongoing risk:2年毎

T: -1.5 to -2 without risk:5年毎

T: -1 to -1.5 without risk: 10-15年毎


DXA: (  年 月)  T score:  hip          spine         次回予定   年

治療:             (   年 月より)    

Bisphosphonate治療適応: 閉経後女性あるいは50歳以上の男性で大腿骨頸部骨折あるいは脊椎圧迫骨折の既往があるかT scoreが -2.5以下の時、T score -1.0から -2.5のの間で骨粗鬆症による骨折リスクが20%以上の時

顎骨壊死risk factor: IV bisphosphonate, 悪性疾患, 抗悪性疾患治療, 免疫力低下, DM, smoking, 糖質コルチコイド治療, 抜歯, 歯科インプラント, 合わない義歯, 歯科疾患の既往


<Vitamin D deficiency>

Risk: inadequate sun exposure, 胃切除, 膵不全, 肝硬変, 抗てんかん薬内服中, ネフローゼ症候群, 腎不全, 副甲状腺機能低下症

Risk: high /  low,    serum 25(OH) D:     (  月 日)




発作  回/年 severity:  severe / mild  痛風結節 +/-

Life modification: 減量, vitamin C, アルコール節制, 降圧薬 (可能ならサイアザイドからロサルタンに変更), アスピリン (ー>low-dose if possible)

尿酸低下剤適応:  年2回以上 or 強い発作, 痛風結節, 繰り返す尿酸腎結石

治療薬    (  年 月から)  併用予防薬   

尿酸値   (  年 月)  Target 尿酸値: 6以下 or 5以下 (痛風結節ある時)

尿酸排泄量        mg/day (  年 月)    (発作を認める25歳以下の男性, 閉経前の女性などでcheck)


<副腎偶発腫瘤> (>1cm)

Functioning test:

Dexamethasone suppression:未/済:結果

24h urinary fractionated metanephrine/catecholamine:未/済:結果


腹部CT (  年 月)

Size:    unilateral/bilateral      attenuation high/low    primary malignancy elsewhere +/-

Sampling / CT follow up   次回予定  年 月



WBC    Hb      Hct      MCV     PLT         (  年 月)

Baseline Hb       Baseline PLT

輸血歴    年 理由:

骨髄穿刺・生検 -/+         年 月: 理由     結果

Reticulocyte production index      iron     ferritin    TIBC    transferrin saturation     VitB12    folate     TSH   (  年 月 日)



診断  年 月 日  診断時 Hb                Latest Hb         年 月 日


(原因: 月経, 胃切除, 炎症性腸疾患, 悪性疾患, 消化管出血, 造血器疾患, ・・)


治療薬:     1日 回     年 月 日から

治療適応: 鉄剤投与禁忌でない全ての患者 (症状の有無, 貧血の有無にかかわらず)

Ferrous sulfate 325mg (iron:65mg/Tab)  (推奨投与量: iron 150-200mg/day)

Intoleranceの時, 投与量減量, 液体薬に変更, 静注に変更

開始2週間後にHb/reticulocyte検査 (通常投与開始3週間でHb 2g/dl上昇)

反応不良の時, adherence 確認, 出血除外 -> H.pylori / Celiac disease screening 検討

投与期間 transferrin saturation が正常化するまで (貧血改善 6-8週, replete iron store: 6ヵ月)



Baseline PLT         


精査歴: (原因薬剤確認, 血液スメア, LFT, HIV-Ab, HBsAg/Ab, HCV-Ab, VitB12, folate, 腹部US, ANA, LDH,・・)                

血液内科紹介:         骨髄穿刺 / 生検

原因: 不明/           

(原因: ITP, 肝疾患, Myelodysplastic syndrome, HIV, 薬剤性, 悪性疾患, vitamin B12/葉酸欠乏,・・・)

抗血小板剤 / NSAIDs継続必要性の有無評価: 不要なら中止

Activity restriction: PLT<50000 -> extreme athletics (ボクシング, ラグビー・・)



家族歴:      年齢 

喫煙    pack-year,    喫煙中/ 禁煙後  年,  受動喫煙 -/+

職業的暴露 -/+

<Cancer screening>


Risk: gene, 家族歴, エストロゲン Tx, alcohol, 初潮<12歳、閉経>55歳

Discussion regarding risk and benefit of screening  済/未、 本人screening 希望 あり/なし

Mammography (40 or 50歳 to 10y prior to life-expectancy, every 2 years

     年 月:結果    次回予定   年


Pap smear ( 21 - 64歳, every 3 years, also 65 - 75歳 or longer for people with risk (abnormal pap smear, smoking, HPV-disease, new partner) or not adequately screened)

     年 月:結果        次回予定   年


家族歴 -/+   歳 

下部消化管内視 (50 - 75歳, colonoscopy every 10y, sigmoidscopy every 5y with FOBT every 3 y)

  年 月:結果     次回予定  


Low-density helical CT (55 - 74歳 with > 30 pack-year, every year)   

    年 月:結果  


Risk: 家族歴 (特に65歳以下), African-american, gene

Discusssion regarding risk and benefit 済/未      本人screening 希望あり/なし

PSA/(DRE) (50歳 to 10 y prior to life-expctancy, every 2-4 years)

PSA          (  年 月)    次回   年


<Lung nodule>

肺癌家族歴 +/- 肺気腫 +/- 上葉に存在 +/- spiculation +/-

Attenuation: solid/subsolid/part-solid

Size:   mm    nodule の数

Risk: high/intermediate/low   

胸部CT  年  月  日   follow中止/follow-up CT/sampling


<Thyroid nodule>

Functional / non-functional

US:     cm,  echoic feature: hyper/hypo,  regularity:           vascularity:           calcification:        

FNA -/+ (  年 月) 結果:




頻度: 4回/週以下  /  4回/週以上,   症状: mild / moderate to severe (日常生活に支障)

Hypersensitivity skin test: -/+  年 月: 結果

(Indication: 診断不明, 治療抵抗性, 喘息/繰り返す副鼻腔炎・中耳炎合併, ・・)

Allergen 対策 (花粉, ペット, dust, ダニ, カビ, reservoir (ソファ, カーペット, カバーされていない寝具))

治療薬:       (  年 月から)

第一選択: glucocorticoid nasal spray:

fluticasone propionate (50mcg/spray) 2 sprays into each nostril 1日1回で開始

(start at maximal dose-> taper to lowest effective dose)


抗ヒスタミン nasal spray:  olopatadine 2 sprays into each nostril 1日2回

第二世代経口抗ヒスタミン剤:  cetirizine 10mg1日1回,  loratadine 10mg1日1回

cromolyn nasal spray:  1 spray into each nostril 1日3-4回 (safe for children, less effective)

montelukast 10mg 1日1回 (喘息, 鼻茸合併の時)


subcutaneous immunotherapy / アレルギー専門医紹介  を検討

Indication: allergen暴露による症状あり + 皮膚試験あるいはserum allergen-specific IgE陽性 + control不良 / 薬剤副作用 / 治療費や長期薬剤治療が負担など   治療期間 3-5年



診断    年


治療薬:        年 月から


関節圧痛 (肩  /  肘 /  手関節  /  MCP1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / PIP2 / 3 / 4 / 5 /  IP /  膝 / )

関節腫脹 (肩  /  肘 /  手関節  /  MCP1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / PIP2 / 3 / 4 / 5 /  IP /  膝 / )

ESR             CRP              年  月 

Functional capacity: 仕事・日常に支障なし/通常日常動作可能 /かなり制限 /Bedridden


Medication toxicity monitoring

HBsAg/Ab, HCVAb, TB, 眼科受診 at baseline

ROS: 呼吸困難感, 浮腫, 黒色便, 血尿, 視覚異常

CBC, Cre, LFT  8-12週毎 (開始/投与量増量後: 2週毎, 3ヵ月間), HbA1c, DXA


Vitamin D 800u daily + Ca supplement (require total 1200mg daily (diet + supplement))

(Any dose of glucocorticoid を3ヵ月以上使用する予定の全ての患者)


T score -1.0から -2.5の閉経後女性または50歳以上の high risk男性 (low bone mass, h/o fracture, 副甲状腺機能亢進症, androgen deprivation Tx, ・・) (量・期間にかかわらずglucocorticoidを開始する時)

Prednisone 換算7.5mg以上を3ヵ月以上使用する予定でFRAX 10 year risk 20%以上の閉経後女性または50歳以上の男性





嚥下機能評価 (  年 月):

1日目標量:    kcal  蛋白  Na        K        リン

栄養指導 (  年 月)

食事形態:              水分形態



経腸栄養: 種類:               kcal/day,  water bolus    ml x    回,   Total 水分量  L/日













心肺蘇生 可・不可

挿管 可・不可

( 短期間の挿管・人工呼吸なら可(米) )

Non-invasive ventilation 可・不可

透析 可・不可

胃瘻・経腸栄養 可・不可

静脈栄養 可・不可

輸血 可・不可(理由:       )

病院搬送 可・不可

(Healthcare proxy (米/MA))










(1) Aspirin and extended-release dipyridamole versus clopidogrel for recurrent stroke.

Sacco RL,  N Engl J Med. 2008;359(12):1238.

(2) A randomised, blinded, trial of clopidogrel versus aspirin in patients at risk of ischaemic events (CAPRIE). CAPRIE Steering Committee.  Lancet. 1996;348(9038):1329.

(3) Guidelines for the prevention of stroke in patients with stroke and transient ischemic attack: a guideline for healthcare professionals from the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association.

Kernan WN, Stroke. 2014;45(7):2160

(4) A Randomized Trial of Intensive versus Standard Blood-Pressure Control.

SPRINT Research Group,   N Engl J Med. 2015;373(22):2103.

(5) 2013 ACCF/AHA guideline for the management of heart failure: executive summary: a report of the American College of Cardiology Foundation/American Heart Association Task Force on practice guidelines.

Yancy CW,  Circulation. 2013;128(16):1810.

(6) A randomized trial comparing lung-volume-reduction surgery with medical therapy for severe emphysema.

Fishman A,  N Engl J Med. 2003;348(21):2059.

(7) Management of varices and variceal hemorrhage in cirrhosis.

Garcia-Tsao G, Bosch J   N Engl J Med. 2010;362(9):823.

(8) STANDARDS OF MEDICAL CARE IN DIABETES 2016 (American Diabetes Association)

(9) W.H.O. cooperative trial on primary prevention of ischaemic heart disease using clofibrate to lower serum cholesterol: mortality follow-up. Report of the Committee of Principal Investigators.   Lancet. 1980;2(8191):379.

(10) Fifteen year mortality in Coronary Drug Project patients: long-term benefit with niacin.

Canner PL,  J Am Coll Cardiol. 1986;8(6):1245.

(11) Effects of long-term fenofibrate therapy on cardiovascular events in 9795 people with type 2 diabetes mellitus (the FIELD study): randomised controlled trial.

Keech A,  Lancet. 2005;366(9500):1849.































































尿路感染症による敗血症性ショックでICUに入院した  歳  性

入院4日目、ICU 4日目、挿管 4日目



1日目:発熱、意識障害にてnursing homeより搬送、尿路感染による敗血症の診断のもと救外にて挿管・人工呼吸管理開始、広域抗生剤投与開始、生食5L初期投与、ノルエピネフリン開始、ICU入院、乳酸値入院6時間後6.1mmol/Lをピークに減少

2日目:呼吸器・カテコラミンweaning、心房細動出現、cardioversion 失敗にてアミオダロン持続静注開始、血培陽性判明






ミダゾラム・フェンタニルにて鎮静・疼痛管理中 (夜間臨時投与なし)

呼吸数 18 ( > rate of MV setting)



- フェンタニル25mcg IV疼痛時・呼吸促迫時・2時間毎

- ミダゾラム持続中止、1mg IV不穏時・2時間毎に変更

- オリエンテーション・病状説明、一日一回

- 神経所見チェック一日一回




心エコー(2014年)EF 40%、軽度拡張能不全、弁膜症なし、左房拡大なし

外来内服薬:アスピリン 81mg, リシノプリル5mg、メトプロロール100mg、フロセミド20mg、アトロバスタチン20mg



BP 110-120/70-80 (カテコラミンoff),  HR 80-90 (SR),  尿量0.5-1ml/kg/h,  CVP 14

- 循環動態モニター継続

- 抜管・ABG評価後にA-line抜去


敗血症・カテコラミン投与に際して新規発症(入院2日目)、HR 160に上昇、SBP 80台に低下、cardioversion 失敗し、アミオダロン持続静注開始、開始8時間後に洞調律復帰、アミオダロン静注24時間後終了(3日目)、TSH正常、CHA2DS2-VASc score 3点

- メトプロロール12.5mg 6時間毎胃管投与開始

- 心房細動再発・心拍数120以上の時メトプロロール5mg IV(SBP 100以下の時中止)

- 心エコー評価

- 電解質適宜補正

- 心電図モニター

- アスピリン継続、抗凝固療法は開始せず経過観察


0.05 -> 0.07 -> 0.05、心電図:V4~6でST depression (1mm)ー>改善

原因:敗血症性心筋障害+demand ischemia


- アスピリン継続

- βブロッカー内服再開

- 心エコー評価


IN/OUT:positive 6L total, CVP 14、背部・下肢浮腫あり、CXR軽度鬱血所見

- 生食中止

- フロセミド20mg IV 一回、血圧維持すれば午後に再度投与

- IN/OUTフォロー

- βブロッカー再開

- ACEIは中断継続





呼吸器設定: Assist control / VC: FIO2 40% / TV 400 / f 14 / PEEP 5

MV 7L/min, compliance 45 


ABG (FIO2 40%, PEEP 5, TV 400, f 14, MV 7L) pH 7.41 pCO2 38 pO2 125 HCO3 22 SaO2 99%



3日目自発呼吸 trial、呼吸数上昇し中断(f/VT 125 f/L)


- 午前中に自発呼吸 trial (PS 7, PEEP 5, FIO2 40)

- 持続鎮静剤中止

- 利尿剤投与にて鬱血改善を図る

- 電解質適宜補正

- 状態を見て午後に抜管トライ



Baseline:消化性潰瘍の既往、H.pylori 除菌後



入院時AST/ALT 320/410, T-bil 1.4、腹部CT:肝・胆嚢・胆管に異常認めず

補液・病態改善にて減少、AST/ALT 150/182, T-bil 1.0, 凝固異常なし


- 経過観察

- 絶食、呼吸器 weaning 困難であれば経腸栄養開始

- 排便コントロール適宜

- PPI予防投与



Baseline:既往歴なし、Baseline Cre 0.9

BUN 25 Cre 1.2 HCO3 22 Na 150 Cl 110 K 4.5 Ca 8.2 Mg 1.9 Phos 2.4

尿量 0.5-1.0ml/kg/hr


入院時:Cre 1.9、尿浸透圧 550、FeUN 23%



- 腎毒性薬剤を避ける

- ACEI中断継続

- 腎機能・重炭酸値フォロー (利尿剤投与開始)



- 生食中止

- free water 250cc × 4回/day 胃管投与開始

- ナトリウム値18時に再検



Baseline:nursing home 在住、留置尿道・膀胱カテーテルなし、過去の培養結果なし

[入院時] BP 83/45 (MAP 58) SpO2 92%(RA) (Pa/F: 309 (65/0.21)), GCS 13, WBC 15000, PLT 22万, T-bil 1.4, Cre1.9, 乳酸値 4.5mmol/L, 尿所見:pH 7.0, WBC>180, nitrate positive、入院時腹部CT上、右腎周囲脂肪織濃度上昇、尿路閉塞所見認めず、急速補液開始、各種培養採取後ピペラシリンタゾバクタム、バンコマイシン静注開始、2日目に尿・血液培養ともにGNR検出、フォローアップ血培2セット採取、バンコマイシン中止、3日目にカテコラミン離脱、血培・尿培よりpan-sensitive E.coli検出、抗生剤セファゾリンに変更

[現在] 抗生剤投与4日目、Tmax 37.2  WBC 7000,  フォローアップ血培no growth so far


- セファゾリン1 gram IV 8時間毎、経過を診て経口に変更、抗生剤投与期間10日

- 抜管トライ、不要カテーテル適宜抜去



Baseline:2型糖尿病   (副腎不全・ステロイド治療なし)

内服薬:メトフォルミン500mg 1日2回、インスリンなし

血糖値 120-200で推移、TSH正常範囲



- メトフォルミン中断継続

- インスリンsliding scale

- 血糖測定6時間毎

- 低血糖プロトコール

- 目標血糖150-180




入院時Hb 14.4から11.3 (2日目)に減少、直腸診による便潜血陰性、その後Hb低下なし


Hb 12.2 Hct 33 PLT 15万 INR 1.3

- CBCフォロー

- PPI予防投与




輸液:生食中止ー>free water 250cc x4回/day 開始 



深部静脈血栓症:ヘパリン5000単位 1日2回皮下注

消化性潰瘍:パントプラゾール40mg IV1日1回









挿管チューブ(7.5mm, 21cm口角固定、4日目)


Full code



- 本日抜管できれば明日一般病棟へ転棟

- 理学療法士による機能評価、必要あれば短期リハビリ入所

- 必要あれば嚥下機能評価、食事形態を調整


